Mariusz Iwaniuk

1526 Reputation

14 Badges

9 years, 105 days

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MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Mariusz Iwaniuk

Using comparision test from this video, we have:

0 <= (x + 2)/((2*x^3 + 1)*ln(x)) and (x + 2)/((2*x^3 + 1)*ln(x)) <= 1/ln(x)

int(1/ln(x), x = 1 .. infinity);


It can be done only numerically.

a := 0;
b := 1;
int(exp(-1/sqrt(x^2 + 1)), x = a .. b, numeric);



If I execute your code Maple give me: "Error, mismatched or missing bracket/operator" .Please check your input for bad syntax?


I don't have any  suggestions ,because Maple can't solve solvelable integrals.

Maple is weak for solving  indefinite and define integrals.

Mathematica 13.0 also can't integrate.


Better post this question to this webpage.



The problem in Maple is: '"automatic simplification' and 'evaluation'".

See here , here and here.

Cross post here. and here

1.What you need PDEtools for that?

2.You want to solve a Nonlinear Volterra Integro Differential Equation ?, if yes post the equation.


I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because there is no well-posed question in this post; the OP is simply asking for somebody to act as a free coding service.

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because there is no well-posed question in this post; the OP is simply asking for somebody to act as a free coding service.

This line of code dosen't work:



@Axel Vogt 

I don't have reference.

I'm played with this sum a few minutes and I found  generalization.


n := 2;

Sum(Beta(k, c)/(a*k + b)^n, k = 1 .. infinity) = GAMMA(c)*hypergeom([1, 1, seq(1 + b/a, j = 1 .. n)], [seq(2 + b/a, j = 1 .. n), 1 + c], 1)/(GAMMA(1 + c)*(a + b)^n);



(sum((-1)^k*z^(1 + 2*k)*GAMMA(1/2 + k)/((1 + 2*k)*sqrt(Pi)*GAMMA(1 + k)), k = 0 .. infinity, formal) assuming (0 < z));


(sum((-1)^k*sqrt(Pi)*z^(2 + 2*k)*GAMMA(1 + k)/(2*(1 + k)*GAMMA(3/2 + k)), k = 0 .. infinity, formal) assuming (0 < z));


And what is the question ?

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