Mariusz Iwaniuk

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9 years, 122 days

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These are replies submitted by Mariusz Iwaniuk


My solution uses 1000 terms,not a few.

If Maple nothing returns,it means that it does not know the answer.


Thanks for workaround for Maple 2021.2 and Maple 18.02.


Probably Yes,We can speculate because I don't know the solution.





I don't see any differential equations ?Please post a maple code?

No way for general alfa parameter for exact symbolic solution. You get only solution if alfa=0.

dsolve(eval(YOURS-EQUATION, alpha = 0), a(t));

One solution is:

#a(t) = (-4*sqrt(3)*_C1*k*(_C2 - t))^(2/3)/(4*_C1)

Look like solution is: f(x) = 0.


Is the same expample as yours.

In your qestion is: Zeta(-z) = -2*z!*sin(Pi*z/2)*Zeta(z + 1)/(2*Pi)^(z + 1); in mine answer:

Zeta(-z) +2*z!*sin(Pi*z/2)*Zeta(z + 1)/(2*Pi)^(z + 1)=0


(int(1/(x^2*(z - x^a)), x) assuming (0 < a, 0 < z));limit(%, x = x1) - limit(%, x = 1);


in Maple 2021...

(int(1/(x^2*(z - x^a)), x = 1 .. x1, method = _RETURNVERBOSE) assuming (1 < x1, a in real, 0 < z));

give me:

[FAILS = (distribution, piecewise, series, o, polynomial, ln, lookup, cook, ratpoly, elliptic, elliptictrig, meijergspecial, improper, asymptotic, ftoc, ftocms, meijerg, contour)]

All methods Fails!!!

Maybe in Maple 2022 can be calculated.


exp(1/x) is only True if m=0.


rtable([seq(["m" = j, simplify(sum(simplify(eval(m!*x^(m - n)*LaguerreL(m, n - m, x)^2/n!, m = j)), n = 0 .. infinity))], j = 0 .. 2)], subtype = Vector[column]);

Or in Maple 17  should work:

[seq(["m" = j, simplify(sum(simplify(eval(m!*x^(m - n)*LaguerreL(m, n - m, x)^2/n!, m = j)), n = 0 .. infinity))], j = 0 .. 2)];


@mmcdara I'm update my answer.


1.I don't have Maple 17.

2.I used Maple 2021.

3.I changed  sum to add function.

See atached file.

Update 03.01.2022

I also need a lot of things. Above paper is not free.
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