Mariusz Iwaniuk

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14 Badges

9 years, 134 days

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These are replies submitted by Mariusz Iwaniuk


Maple can compute only 5.1268948 > t >0 because singularity.

I update the answer.

From Help pages:

The discont option is not available in the 3-D case.  In this situation, it is recommended that you divide the plotting ranges into subranges to avoid the discontinuities, generate the individual plots and then combine them using the plots[display] command.  The view option can be used to control the ranges in the final display.

@Carl Love

An example: 

DSolve is symbolic solver.

NDSolve is numeric solver.

What value have c parameter? Or is c(t,x) ?

For k(x)  function using FourierTransform it just: k(x)= (1/4)*sech((Pi*x)/2) .


If I change to:  u2(x, 1) = 1 ,Maple give me a error messages: "unable to handle elliptic PDEs", that's mean Maple can't solve.

See for more info:


Please post the equations, in copy-and-pastable Maple format. It is unrealistic to expect people to re-key them.

It is impolite to expect other people to have to type in your equations for you.

@Axel Vogt 

Looks like:

sum(2^(2*j)*(-2*j + 1)^(-j)*GAMMA(-1/2 + j)/sqrt(Pi) - 2^(2*j)*(-2*j + 1)^(-j)*GAMMA(-1/2 + j)*GAMMA(j + 1, (-1/2 + j)*ln(2))/(sqrt(Pi)*GAMMA(j + 1)), j = 0 .. infinity);



With no hope for closed-form.

Please post the equations, in copy-and-pastable Maple format. It is unrealistic to expect people to re-key them.

It makes it convenient for them and more likely you will get someone to help you.

Please post the equations, in copy-and-pastable Maple format. It is unrealistic to expect people to re-key them.




I don't have maple  version 13.

Above code works on maple 2020.


What do you mean by share ?

Forumla is not correct.

See attached file:



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