Mike McDermott

95 Reputation

5 Badges

9 years, 164 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Mike McDermott

I have a maple proc for which I would like to find parameters to fit data I have. The proc has an 'if' statement in it, and when I try to use the CurveFitting function 'NonlinearFit' function, I'm getting an error.

Is there a curve fitting function that can be used with procs with 'if' statements in them?



Another newbie question...

I have an excel file with lots of named ranges. I can use the ExcelTools WorkbookData command to get a list of all the available named ranges, and then I can assign the contents of each named range to a Maple variable with the Import command.

I'm thinking that there must be an elegant way to create a Maple variable for each string in the list of named ranges and assign it to the contents. Something like looping through each named range in the list, creating a variable of that name, and then assigning the contents of that named range. I hope I'm clear without repeating myself too much.

Am I explaining my need?

Thanks in advance. This looks like a good forum, and I hope to be able to contribute someday.

Mike McDermott

I have an arrays of data. One for x values, and one for y values. How can I obtain a numerical integration of y for a range of x values?

I have tried defining a function of X using ArrayInterpolation(x,y,X) and then calling evalf(Int(f,xmin..xmax)) but that gives an error message. (I don't seem to be able to paste into this window) The error message says

"Error, invalid input: evalf expects its 2nd argument, n, to be of type posint, but received numeric."

I thought I was using a form of the equation right from the help system.

I also tried the 2D version of integration, but it returns the difference of my limits times my function name.

I aslo tried AdaptiveQuadrature, but I can't get that to work either.

-Mike McDermott

Newbie Maple user



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