
3158 Reputation

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16 years, 175 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by MrMarc

Axel I added some extra bells and whistles to the code such as

ImportMatrix("C:\\mydir\\data1.csv", source = csv)
FileTools:-RemoveDirectory("C:\\mydir", recurse = true, forceremove = true)

It works great :-) However I did not manage to make it a procedure.
It would be great if it was possible to make it a procedure so I can put it in a module
instead of having to change the code all the time



Axel Vogt  I think Maplesoft should hire you for life or at least until you are 80 years old.
With your method both http and https works! Sweet. Hence I can use my dropbox account. Yes.

I might be pushing my luck here but how do we load the file into Maple and then delete it?

Axel Vogt  I think Maplesoft should hire you for life or at least until you are 80 years old.
With your method both http and https works! Sweet. Hence I can use my dropbox account. Yes.

I might be pushing my luck here but how do we load the file into Maple and then delete it?

Axel could you please speculate a little bit about why maple could not fetch the file directly?
I mean it is a http link plus the file is available...strange

Axel could you please speculate a little bit about why maple could not fetch the file directly?
I mean it is a http link plus the file is available...strange

@acer unfortunatly I will have to carry with me my own mistake. However, the fact is
that despite my obvious mistakes it still dont work in Maple. Its a http url (which was not easy to find)
pointing to a perfectly fine text file (as of now no password or username and the file do exist) which maple for some reason has decided not to open. If Maple would not be so stuborn I might not do so many mistakes.

In VBA it is easy:

Sub OpenCSVDropbox2()
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
End Sub

However it does not make a difference. I get the same error message from Maple hummm

@Carl Love yeahhh you are right! I didnt see it because I was logged in hummm
Of course that is the reasons! I just need to figure out how to make the file available without logging in

sorry in my quest to solve the problem I accidently deleted the file :-)
Here is a new link:

It is still not working though.

@DSkoog thank you for the reassurement :-)

@DSkoog thank you for the reassurement :-)

I must say that this "no support for https" is starting to annoy me. I have probably looked at least 10 free cloud storage providers and ALL use https. Do I have to set up my own server to get the csv fil into maple? It should be easy to interact with other services from maple. Not put Maple on an island that no one can communicate with.

I must say that this "no support for https" is starting to annoy me. I have probably looked at least 10 free cloud storage providers and ALL use https. Do I have to set up my own server to get the csv fil into maple? It should be easy to interact with other services from maple. Not put Maple on an island that no one can communicate with.

@marc005 It turns out that finding a cloude storage provider that does not use https is quite a challenge. Most of the cloud providers also lacks the option to create direct download links and not to mentions sky drives expiring urls which is a big joke! You post a link on your website and a few days later the link has expired ha ha

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