
395 Reputation

12 Badges

18 years, 277 days



MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by Ninetrees

I just entered an equation, theta := pi/4. Maple returned 1/4 pi. I know that's the same, but not the way I'd expect to see it. In Mathcad, I can put anything I want (OK, no ice cream flavors ;-) ) to the right of the result, and the result is then re-displayed in those units. It isn't without a few peculiarities of its own, but I'd like to see pi/4, not 1/4 pi.


I have to keep moving my hands to the arrow keys to move in the numeric fields. For example, suppose that I am in the exponent and I want to drop down for the next operation. My hands are already on the space bar, and it is natural to want to use my thumbs. I understand that this might mean that I couldn't use space for implicit multiplication, but I don't want to use that nearly as often as I want to move in the numeric field, and I am most likely to use hard coded multiply anyway. Erring on the side of caution and all that.


I have a passing acquaintance with Maple 12, and looked forward to Maple 13 to see what improvements there might be. I began by creating a document based on a style that I created in Maple 12. Maybe that gives rise to some of the questions highlighted in this document. Does anyone care to comment?

View 1292_$rlm Maple 12 Style - Georgia - on MapleNet or Download 1292_$rlm Maple 12 Style - Georgia -
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Pardon me if you find this difficult to read; it is my first attempt to use the MaplePrimes files interface.

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