
395 Reputation

12 Badges

18 years, 277 days



MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by Ninetrees

I notice that when I am in Help and select something in quotes, such as "Teal", the editor will select only Teal, not "Teal", when I double-click Teal. This is what I expect.

I need to use plots (I think) because I want to scale the plot image and I can't do that (as far as I know) unless I use a plot component.

BUT, I get a border around the plot. I'd like a borderless plot just like the inline plot.


I have been trying to discover the difference between 2D Math and 2D Input. Help details /how/ to use them but not /why/.

I enter material as 2D Math, and sometimes it gets changed to 2D Input.

I have tried to find something in Help that describes the difference, but no luck. I found that many of the math items that I entered were 2D Input, yet when I toggle using F5, I get Text <> 2D Math. How did I wind up with 2D Input? Copying and pasting?


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