
395 Reputation

12 Badges

18 years, 277 days



MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by Ninetrees

Good morning.

Can anyone tell me why the legends are showing up today when they were not yesterday?

...and I intermittently get Plot Builder dialogs when I edit the commands associated with these two plots...

...Maple 12 seems unstable and contant rebooting of Windows necessary when using the doc mode?

Print preview doesn't respond to PageUp and PageDown keys.
It would be nice to control the size of plots w/o using the embedded components.
Plot should accept: nolegend or legend = [] (empty set). Many times I don't want a legend, and I shouldn't have to specify something like "legend = ["", "", "", ""]".


To help me learn Maple 12, I decided to translate a small project that I did into Maple.

1. Why is there an error in my text field at the beginning of the doc?

2. When I apply a new style to a paragraph, all the text changes to plain text: all formatting is removed. Is there a way to simply change the style and not the formatting, such as Italic?

3. I tried to follow the instructions in one of the training videos on how to hide math. As you can see, the assignment to d is still visible. Can simple assignments be hidden? there a way to change that?


In the Table Properties dialog, I was at first puzzled at the % field. Mine says 00.0% = 675.8 Points. Wasn't until I thought to modify the % box that I found that the 00.0 is really 100.0.


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