
395 Reputation

12 Badges

18 years, 277 days



MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by Ninetrees

Header Footer are a welcome addition, BUT
1. It's not obvious how to get a different header | footer on the first page, a fundamental option.
2. The &(Date) is not picking up my system date format!!
3. I placed this in the righthand box "MyName ~ &[Page] of &[Pages]", but it does not show up in the preview.
4. There is no option to change the font style or size in the header|footer, a fundamental requirement.

No hotkey for common functions such as pi, sqrt, text alignment. These would speed data entry.

It seems to me that when I look at lists such as New Content that I see messages in a scrambled order. I'd like to see them in reverse date order. Rich
I can see it on the first page - maybe - but when I start browsing the forums, I don't want all the stuff on both sides. Rich
I'd like one. Or do we have it and I just have not seen it? Rich
I'd like to suggest that the forums be split a bit farther apart: Algebra & Geometry Announcements from Maple Astronomy & Navigation Calculus (maybe this and algebra go into Math) Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Economics & Finance Educational Applications Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Physics Probability & Statistics Programming Puzzles & Games This is just a suggestion. More categories might be warranted. I wouldn't want it to be much more specific, but I may have missed some categories that interest others. I am new to the forum and might find it easier to find what items of interest.
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