Oliver K

1201 Reputation

15 Badges

18 years, 30 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Oliver K


I'm sorry I don't remember when nonexecutable math has been introduced, but the 3 state cycling pressing F5 was added in 2021. And yes, there are other less comfortable ways to make formulas inert. If you are a student, why not take the chance to visit our webstore to upgrade to the latest version with 50% Black Friday discount :) 

Here a way:

{$1..10} minus A;

Here a way:

{$1..10} minus A;

Are you sure your formula is correct ? The argument of the root becomes negative for some t.

You could add 2 plots to Roberts code, covering the axes, to change the appearance as you like. If necessary, you could do the same for the tickmarks.

P1:=pointplot([[2,3],[-3,1],[-1.5,-2.5],[0,0]],colour=[green, red, blue, magenta],symbol=solidcircle,symbolsize=12):
P2:=plot([[[0,3],[2,3],[2,0]],[[-3,0],[-3,1],[0,1]],[[-1.5,0],[-1.5,-2.5],[0,-2.5]]],linestyle=dash,colour=[green, red, blue]):

You could add 2 plots to Roberts code, covering the axes, to change the appearance as you like. If necessary, you could do the same for the tickmarks.

P1:=pointplot([[2,3],[-3,1],[-1.5,-2.5],[0,0]],colour=[green, red, blue, magenta],symbol=solidcircle,symbolsize=12):
P2:=plot([[[0,3],[2,3],[2,0]],[[-3,0],[-3,1],[0,1]],[[-1.5,0],[-1.5,-2.5],[0,-2.5]]],linestyle=dash,colour=[green, red, blue]):

@Wang Gaoteng 



@Wang Gaoteng 



Another approach is to plot the corresponding implicitly given function and restrict the view range.



Sorry, can't open your msim file, I don't know why.

Rewriting those inequalities as a single one in product form does the trick, thanks

Rewriting those inequalities as a single one in product form does the trick, thanks

@Preben Alsholm 

yes, now I remember this convert subcommand. In my opinion, this is a point where Maple needs to be improved: Expression manipulation in an intuitive way. Maybe restructuring the context sensitive menu would help here, I don't know.

@Preben Alsholm 

yes, now I remember this convert subcommand. In my opinion, this is a point where Maple needs to be improved: Expression manipulation in an intuitive way. Maybe restructuring the context sensitive menu would help here, I don't know.

I don't think discont is to blame here. Maple has a mechanism that  "simplifies" terms like x/x to 1 immediately. discont just gets the simplified input in the latter case.

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