Oliver Munk

10 Reputation

2 Badges

0 years, 175 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Oliver Munk


EDIT: Thanks for the help i used the restore backup feature. I made my anti virus not react to maple since i thought that might work, so far no more problems. Else this is a fix if anybody else has this problem.


Hi, so my maple freezes during simple tasks, such as trying to type something, or somtimes copying and inerting the results from a previous equation, the feature where you mark something and drag the answer to somewhere else also does this. When this happens, maple completely freezes and i'm forced to close the app with taksmanager, where i lose everything i have worked on, sometimes for the past hour because i didn't save every minute which is basically not something you can do.

Is there any fix for this or anything i can do to prevent this, cause it really sucks. 

I'm on a windows 11 with maple 2024

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