
James Smith

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4 Badges

16 years, 21 days
York University
Associate Lecturer

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These are answers submitted by Onnimikki


The only way to really do this presently is to use the LinkModel and Simulate commands from within Maple to run the MapleSim model.  If you use the "returntype=datapoint" option when running the model from Maple you can have the simulation results stored within Maple.  You then get Maple to generate the plots.  Maple permits title, as well as title, labels and axes fonts to be set using the plot command.

all the best,




Hi Graham,

Thanks again for your help.  I thought that I had posted a reply earlier but it hasn't appeared. 

I tried the suggestion and it did the trick.    Instead of adding the filter to the GetEquations command, I used the selec() function immediately after:


> MYDEFS := A:-GetEquations('output' = definitions, 'params' = all):

select(hastype, MYDEFS, typefunc(anything, suffixed(Probe, anything)));
                    /                 R2R V\
                   { ProbeVolt(t) = - ----- }
                    \                  R1R /

That does the trick.  Very nice.

Best regards,



Hi Graham,

While it would be nice if a wildcard could be applied directly to 'filter' in GetEquations your colleague's suggestion is the next best thing.  So, instead of doing it in a single step, I do it in two.  First, I call GetEquations and then I look for a particular string (in this case I'm looking for the word Probe in the equations that were generated):

> MYDEFS := A:-GetEquations('output' = definitions, 'params' = all):
 select(hastype, MYDEFS, typefunc(anything, suffixed(Probe, anything)));
/ R2R V\
{ ProbeVolt(t) = - ----- }
\ R1R /
That works really well.
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