
70 Reputation

6 Badges

9 years, 346 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Parham2016


tomleslie 139

Hi, Thank you my friend. Yes your worksheet is correct and the results are the same which must be.

I run my Maple's program on laptop on 64-bit, Win8. I was wondering if the different versions of Maple have different performances on different systems?(For example on Win 7, or Win8...)


@ tomleslie 134

Hi, I thank you a lot if you send me the file which you ran in your computer, I can use it.

@  Carl Love

Hi, my Maple's version is 17. But I think my Maple doesn't work correctly and you're right. Please send me your worksheet in which all 14 roots found by NextZero have residuals less than 5*10^(-Digits). I wrote  guardDigits= 22, because for another values of it, the number of roots were less...

Could you send me your Maple software? Ofcourse it has 2 Gb!!! 

I'm studying Fluid Mechanics and I don't have enough science about these special function, Heun, Kummer...


Hi  all.

I thank you for your responses. I checked the roots which were found from two methods: by   fsolve  and by RootFinding:-NextZero. I think  whole of these roots aren't true, please take a look at the attached file.


Regards Markiyan Hirnyk

Hi friend, excuse me for the fault I did...

Why when I run your code in my laptop ( Maple 17), it doesn't work as yours?


plot(x^2, x = -2 .. 2);

Error, (in plot) incorrect first argument x^2











solve(x-1 = 0, x);




plot(x^2, x = -2 .. 2);











Hi Tom, I hope you be health. I inserted the commands in my Maple 17, but it was coorected. I think you didn't install Maple correctly!

Here I attached your corrected file in which the plot are available.



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