
255 Reputation

5 Badges

3 years, 303 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Pepini

Hello do u know how to make this code more optimal? this is very long time to plot.

g := evalf((Beta(1/4, 1/4)/2)^4);

A := Pi*r*cos(theta) - Re(WeierstrassZeta(r*exp(theta*I), g, 0) + Pi*WeierstrassPPrime(r*exp(theta*I), g, 0)/g);
B := Pi*r*sin(theta) + Im(WeierstrassZeta(r*exp(theta*I), g, 0) - Pi*WeierstrassPPrime(r*exp(theta*I), g, 0)/g);
C := sqrt(6*Pi/g)*Re(WeierstrassP(r*exp(theta*I), g, 0));

plot3d([A, B, C], r = 1/5 .. 4/5, theta = -Pi .. Pi, view = [-8 .. 8, -8 .. 8, -8 .. 8], shading = zhue, grid = [200, 200]);

Hi! Do you know how can I plot revolution of this curve:

plot(1 + 1/4*sin(8*(1 + 1/8*sin(16*(1 + 1/16*sin(32*t))))), t = 0 .. 2*Pi, coords = polar)

to get a wrinkled torus like this:

Abelprijs 2015 voor John Nash en Louis Nirenberg - NEMO Kennislink

Do u have any idea? (I've tried to convert this polar curve to cartesian coords but I don't get it)

Hi! Do you know maybe how to solve equation with Laplace operator in Maple like BZ equation?

a := 0.75;
rho := u(t) + v(t) + w(t);
ode := diff(u(t), t) = 10*Delta(u(t)) + u*(-a*v - rho + 1);
ode1 := diff(v(t), t) = 10*Delta(v(t)) + v*(-a*w - rho + 1);
ode2 := diff(w(t), t) = 10*Delta(w(t)) + w*(-a*u - rho + 1);


Edit: Sorry I guess it should be function of three variables so u,v,w depends on (x,y,z) not strictle from time

I am wondering how to animate something like this from BZ equation:

Hi! do you know any effective method to count area under this function given by dataset points? (I counted this by approximation by trapezes)

Edit: PolyFit is ok the best what I have done

Edit2: triangulation is the best (just add all triangles)

Hi! Do you know how to divide this array from .txt data to take separately these numbers? (I have over one thousands of these so I don't want to rewrite)

PS this is 1x1 I want to make 1x8

["0,00244140625;8,07751097960625;-3,555908203125E-05;0,002166748046875;1;1;0,0056941700604248;-0,0101856454842773;100 µA"]

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