Preben Alsholm

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Preben Alsholm

You already got some excellent solutions.

Here is another.

#sol(y1) is the numerical procedure for evaluating y(x) (with D(y)(0)=y1), so that
#will return the value of y(0.12345)
# will plot the 4 different solutions in one plot.


Preben Alsholm

Do you expect us to do your homework?

(Excuse me if I was mistaken).


Preben Alsholm

Two sums inside each other are using the same summation index. This leads to questions of interpretation.

If you change the expression to

f := Sum( exp(-beta*(2*x2-1)-alpha*(2*x2-1))
   / Sum( Sum( exp(-beta*(4*x0*x1-2*x0-2*x1+1)-alpha*(2*x0-1)), x1=0..1 ),
               x0=0..1 ),
          x2=0..1 );
where I have replaced x0 in three places by x2 the interpretation is clear and there is no problem.

Preben Alsholm


will give you -6.960403739*10^(-13).


Preben Alsholm

You could use dsolve/numeric with infinity = 20 (or whatever):

m := 1;
de := diff(y(x), x, x, x)+((m+1)*(1/2))*y(x)*(diff(y(x), x, x))+m*(1-(diff(y(x), x))^2) = 0;
L:=dsolve({de,y(0) = 0, D(y)(0) = 0, D(y)(20) = 1},numeric);

The graphs on your photo are not graphs of y(x), but you can use odeplot to plot functions of y(x) also.

Preben Alsholm

You need 'and' between the boolean expressions. Also a few commas in the print statements were forgotten.

Here is the corrected version:

local det;
if a=0 and b=0 and c=0 then print( "All x is solution")
 elif a=0 and b=0 and c<>0 then print ("No solution")
 elif a=0 and b<>0 and c<>0 then print("One solution:",x=-c/b)
 elif det>0 then print("Two real solutions:",x1=(-b+sqrt(det))/(2*a),x2=(-b-sqrt(det))/(2*a))
 elif (det<0) then print("Two complex solutions:",x1=(-b+sqrt(det))/(2*a),x2=(-b-sqrt(det))/(2*a))
 else print("Two identical solutions:",x=-b/(2*a))
end if;
end proc;

Be aware that your procedure is designed for numerical input only. Thus quad(r,s,t); doesn't work unless r, s, and t are assigned numerical values.

Preben Alsholm

Here is one way,

G:=RandomTools:-Generate(complex(distribution(Normal(0,.5))), makeproc=true);
Gd:=RandomTools:-Generate(distribution(Normal(0,.5)), makeproc=true);

Preben Alsholm

Looks like an exercise I could have given my first semester students.
Maple sees xysin as a variable name, xysin(x-y) is an application of the function xysin to x-y.
Maple doesn't know any function by that name, so cannot plot it.

You need two multiplication signs.

Why grid = [2,2]?

Preben Alsholm

It seems that the basic problem is the presence of an integral. Besides, in the ODE you have D(phi(t))(t).

I have corrected that, so here is what I have,

dtOM:= (phi,a)-> -alpha*M^(alpha+4)/phi^(alpha+1) + 1/(3*Pi^2)*int(2*g^2*phi^2*k^4*(a*sqrt*(g^2*phi^2+k^2)/T+1)*exp(-a*sqrt*(g^2*phi^2+k^2)/T)*(g^2*phi^2+k^2)^(-3/2), k= 0..infinity):
RhoDE:= (phi,a)->M^(4(alpha+1))/phi^alpha+D(phi)/2*a^2:
RhoDM:=a-> C/a^3:
alpha:=1: M:=1: g:=1: T:=1: C:=1:
dsys:={D(a)(t)=sqrt(RhoDE(phi,a)(t)+ RhoDM(a(t)) + RhoR(a(t)))*a(t),
D(D(phi))(t) + 3*a(t)*D(phi)(t)/D(a)(t)*dtOM(phi(t),a(t))=0,
dsolve(dsys,[a(t),phi(t)], numeric);

resulting in a warning and an error message:

Warning, The use of global variables in numerical ODE problems is deprecated, and will be removed in a future release. Use the 'parameters' argument instead (see ?dsolve,numeric,parameters)
Error, (in DEtools/convertsys) unable to convert systems with integrals containing the dependent variables

The warning may have to do with the variable of integration. The error message is self-explanatory.

Preben Alsholm

By looking at the procedure 'residue' in line 8 you will see the loop

for i from 0 to 5 do

If you substitute for 5 a higher number, you get an answer.

In experimenting with this be aware that some things are remembered, so a restart can be necessary.

Try the following, where 'residue2' is simply 'residue' with 5 replaced by 6.

residue((x^7+1)^4/x^30, x=0);
residue2((x^7+1)^4/x^30, x=0);
residue2((x^7+1)^4/x^30, x=0);

You may even make yourself a new procedure that takes the top loop variable as an optional third argument:
I have used 2 forget commands to avoid a restart and to make behavior consistent.

Residue:=proc(f, a::(name = anything),n::posint:=5)
         forget(residue); forget(series);
         if n=5 then residue(f,a) else subs(5=n,eval(residue))(f,a) end if
end proc;
Residue((x^7+1)^4/x^30, x=0);
Residue((x^7+1)^4/x^30, x=0,6);
Residue((x^7+1)^4/x^30, x=0);

Preben Alsholm

 It sounds like with Digits <=15 computations are done with hardware floats, whereas if Digits > 15 Maple has to use software floats.

See e.g. the help page for evalhf.

Preben Alsholm

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