Preben Alsholm

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Preben Alsholm

I recently got myself a 64 bit computer and have noticed that I cannot use the option compile=true in dsolve/numeric. Take the following simple example:

Error, (in dsolve/numeric/SC/preproc) unable to compile (rc=1), please try again, and if that fails verify your Windows compiler installation

I'm using Windows 10, but had the same problem with Windows 8.1 on the same machine.
The Compiler:-Compile examples in the help page all work.

What do I have to do to make the option compile=true work in dsolve/numeric?

You may safely assume that I don't know any technicalities about these things.

Which Maple versions will run on Windows 10? Windows 10 is offered free to users of Windows 7 and 8.1. Several (including old) Maple versions run on Windows 7.

It appears that email notifications have gone on Christmas vacation.
When will they be back?

What are the stopping criteria for fsolve?
I cannot find anything in the help page and there seems to be no way of adding an optional argument to fsolve about errors.

I was initially surprised by the results of the first two fsolve commands below:

fsolve(x->1,0.4); #OK, returns unevaluated
fsolve([1,1],{x,y}); #OK, returns NULL

I assume that in the first two examples the criterion used is that at some point in the process the iterates [x(n+1),y(n+1)] and [x(n),y(n)] are close enough together and the difference between results from the two is small enough (clearly 0).

To me the following behavior of solve is surprising:

solve(f(0.5)=7,f(0.5)); #Output NULL
solve(f(1/2)=7,f(1/2)); #Output as expected 7

Debugging solve suggested to me that the following might work
and indeed it did (outout the float 7.).
This behavior seems to have started in Maple 10. I checked Maple V,R3 and several other old versions including Maple 9.5. All behaved as I would have expected. MapleV,R3 gave the float 7. in the first case, the other the integer 7.
I take this to be a bug and shall file an SCR.
Any comments?

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