
35 Reputation

4 Badges

12 years, 348 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Przemek


I want to solve a small system of quadratic equations using Maple. There are 4 unknowns and 4 equations.

The solve function has a problem with that kind of a system (I'm sure that this system has a solution).

Is there a method of solving that kind of systems of equations in Maple ?

Thanks in advance.


I'm trying to solve system of linear and nonlinear equations with inequalities and it looks like this:


    SX := solve(
                       seq(diff(EX,WX[k+1])=0, k = 0..m), # these are linear

I'm writing a maplet and I would like to put in my MathMLViewer two equations. Each equation in different line. How can I do this using MathML[Export]() while setting the value of MathMLViewer ?

Is there a way to create an interactive plot, and put it in a Maplet, so I could get onclick coordinates and display some points there on my plot ? I checked Maple help and I didn't find any onclick event for plot or Maplets,Elements,Plotter but I found something called PlotComponent and there are some options like clickx, clicky. Can I use it somehow in Maplet, or maybe there's another solution ?

I would like to save a simple plot to jpeg file on my hard disk. I've got a Maplet, and a Button which looks like that

     "Save image",

and a procedure:

saveImage := proc()

   plotsetup('jpeg', 'plotoutput'="plot.jpeg", 'plotoptions'="portrait,noborder");
   plot3d(sin(x)+cos(y), x=0..2*Pi, y=0..2*Pi, 'axes'='boxed');
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