
5 Reputation

One Badge

5 years, 242 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Robotron1715



Dear Colleagues,
Please give advice - How correct in Maple can be solve the heat nonlinear equation system with perfect thermal contact conditions?

Using procedure dsolve (numeric) Maple cannot determine type of problem (initial or boundary).

initial/boundary conditions specified at too many points 1
Error, (in dsolve/numeric/type_check) cannot determine type of problem (initial or boundary), as conditions are given at 4 points

In attachment Maple file - numeric.

Maybe anyone can get a simple exaple of the maple code for numeric solution of this  task?





k1:=5; k2:=7;k3:=8; Q:=4;p:=0.001;l:=0.1; d:=0.6;

k1 := 5

k2 := 7

k3 := 8

Q := 4

p := 0.1e-2

l := .1

d := .6




Eq1 := 25*(diff(T1(x), `$`(x, 2))) = 0



Eq2 := 49*(diff(T2(x), `$`(x, 2))) = -4*Dirac(x)+T2(x)^4



Eq3 := 64*(diff(T3(x), `$`(x, 2))) = 0


con1:=T1(0)=T2(0);con2:=T3(p)=T2(p); con3:=k1*(D(T1)(0))=Q-k2*(D(T2)(0)); con4:=k2*(D(T2)(p))=k3*(D(T3)(p)); con5:= T3(l)=300; con6:=T1(-d)=300;

con1 := T1(0) = T2(0)

con2 := T3(0.1e-2) = T2(0.1e-2)

con3 := 5*(D(T1))(0) = 4-7*(D(T2))(0)

con4 := 7*(D(T2))(0.1e-2) = 8*(D(T3))(0.1e-2)

con5 := T3(.1) = 300

con6 := T1(-.6) = 300


nsol:=dsolve({Eq1, Eq2, Eq3,con1,con2,con3,con4,con5,con6},{T1(x),T2(x),T3(x)}, numeric,bvp);



initial/boundary conditions specified at too many points 1

Error, (in dsolve/numeric/type_check) cannot determine type of problem (initial or boundary), as conditions are given at 4 points






Download numeric.mws

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