Samir Khan

1971 Reputation

20 Badges

16 years, 193 days

My role is to help customers better exploit our tools. I’ve worked in selling, supporting and marketing maths and simulation software for all my professional career.

I’m fascinated by the full breadth and range of application of Maple. From financial mathematics and engineering to probability and calculus, I’m always impressed by what our users do with our tools.

However much I strenuously deny it, I’m a geek at heart. My first encounter with Maple was as an undergraduate when I used it to symbolically solve the differential equations that described the heat transfer in a series of stirred tanks. My colleagues brute-forced the problem with a numerical solution in Fortran (but they got the marks because that was the point of the course). I’ve since dramatized the process in a worksheet, and never fail to bore people with the story behind it.

I was born, raised and spent my formative years in England’s second city, Birmingham. I graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering from The University of Nottingham, and after completing a PhD in Fluid Dynamics at Herriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, I started working for Adept Scientific – Maplesoft’s partner in the UK.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Samir Khan

@charlie_fcl Flow does not support interface(displayprecision)

@charlie_fcl That was a problem introduced with the first release of 2021.2. We reissued 2021.2 with a fix. Please redownload and reinstall Flow 2021.2 from here

@Scot Gould After you change the value of Digits, click in and out of 2^0.5 to get the displayed value to update (this is a bug - I've logged it).

The cost depends on the type of license you are eligible to buy - student vs academic vs commercial vs personal. Some pricing is available on the webstore (commercial, maybe), but I believe that you'll need to contact sales for other licenses

Flow runs on Windows, Mac and Linux

@jabel We're fixing the problem with updating units as an urgent priority and will re-release Flow 2021.2 soon. Thank you for your patience

There's no "Stop" button in Flow just yet. Right now, you'll have to stop Maple Flow via the Task Manager (Ctrl+Alt+Delete).

Instead of minimize (which is a symbolic minimizer), try using Optimization:-Minimize instead. This is what you should see.

@T K Burch I recreated @Carl Love's code in Maple Flow, and it works perfectly. Here's a screenshot, and I've also attached a Flow worksheet as well

In the in-product Application Gallery, there are several examples that demonstrate how you can plot data and curves. One example is Thermodynamics and Thermal Engineering > Adiabatic Mixing of Humid Air.

@rquirt The recorded webinar is here

@ Page layout and print are in an update to be released in May


Have you seen the demo video on the Maple Flow website?

Some of this is repeating information, but Maple Flow

  • has a whiteboard-style interface. Click your mouse anywhere on a canvas and type your math
  • lets you use the Maple programming language to solve and analyze your equations (you can use nearly every command available in standard Maple)
  • only allows 2D math on the canvas, and has a deliberately simpler equation editor than Maple
  • allows you to write 1D Maple language procedures in a code edior, and call those procedures on the canvas.
  • isn't an alternative or an extension to MapleSim. Both tools solve different kinds of problems.
  • needs Maple 2021 to run. You can use toolboxes like Global Optimization, but that isn't necessary
  • is specifically designed for the professional engineering market for simpler problems that are engineering-focussed, not math-focussed (but I certainly think Maple Flow will find an audience in academic math - think of a mathematically-live whiteboard in which you can sketch out and evaluate mathematical concepts)

Hope this sheds some light, but let me know if it doesn't. I'd be happy to clarify further.





Could you send an email to with details of the problem?

@Steve Roper In that case, could you email the worksheet to and let them know you want to submit it to the Application Center (and that the online submission isn't working).

This would make a great addition to the Maple Application Center. Have you thought about posting it there?

When you say you want to calculate the absolute humidity, do you mean

  • the weight of water per cubic meter of wet air,
  • or the weight of water per cubic meter of dry air?

@9009134 For some reason, I can't send you a private message on MaplePrimes. Could you try sending me a private message (otherwise I have no way of contacting you)

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