Sergey Moiseev

Sergey Moiseev

418 Reputation

14 Badges

18 years, 289 days
Sergey N. Moiseev received M.S., Ph.D. and Dr.Sc. degrees in radio physics from the Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russia in 1986, 1993 and 2003, respectively. From 1984 to 2003 the topics of his research have included theory and methods of signal processing, nonlinear optimization, decision-making theory, time series prediction, statistical radio physics, ionosphere sporadic channel models. He is currently a principal scientist in the JSC Kodofon, Voronezh, Russia. His current research interests are wide spread in the area of the communications.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by Sergey Moiseev

The OrthogonalExpansions package is a collection of commands to compute one-dimensional and multi-dimensional orthogonal series expansions of a function. The expansions are evaluated symbolically, numerically or in an inert form.

In particular, the package includes six modifications of the one-dimensional Fourier series, as well the multi-dimensional Fourier, cosine and sine series, one- and multi-dimensional series expansions of classical orthogonal polynomials.

The package includes MixedSeries command to compute multi-dimensional mixed orthogonal series expansions. Mixed series are created from the one-dimensional and multi-dimensional series that are available in the package.

The package also includes GramSchmidtL2 command for computing symbolically or numerically an orthonormal set of one- and multi-variable functions.


Bug in type(HFloat(-infinity),  pos_infinity). Negative infinity is incorrectly recognized as positive one:


type(s, neg_infinity);
type(s, pos_infinity); # bug

DirectSearch optimization package, version 2 is now available.

        The DirectSearch package is a collection of commands to numerically compute local and global minimums (maximums) of nonlinear multivariate function with (without) constraints. The package optimization methods are universal derivative-free direct searching methods, i.e. they...

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