
5 Reputation

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14 years, 231 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Sergio

I`m having problems to compute a coupled system of PDE/ODE, When computing the solution I got an error telling me that Maple was unable to allocate memory size.

I`ve been reading a lot of posts about that and what i`m understanting so far is that there is no option to reallocate more memory for maple. Is there?


Good evening Robert.

Last night I was going crazy trying to solve the problem and suddenly occured to me what you exactly posted today, and guess what, it WORKED! You are totally right. In a system of PDE, if you put ODE togheter you must manipulate the ODE to look like a PDE, so instead of:


we should write

ODE:= diff(vs(z,t),t)

and the IBC must contain only the inicial condition, like you wrote above.

I must express my gratitude to you for giving the support and ideas. Thanks for your will to help others.

See ya!

Good evening Robert.

Last night I was going crazy trying to solve the problem and suddenly occured to me what you exactly posted today, and guess what, it WORKED! You are totally right. In a system of PDE, if you put ODE togheter you must manipulate the ODE to look like a PDE, so instead of:


we should write

ODE:= diff(vs(z,t),t)

and the IBC must contain only the inicial condition, like you wrote above.

I must express my gratitude to you for giving the support and ideas. Thanks for your will to help others.

See ya!

Hi Robert.

Thanks for answering me. I undertood what you said, so what i did was to remove the equation (4) from the system (i can do that cause this ODE brings information only about the position of the system). The result stays the same.

I thought maybe removing the z(t) it would solve the conflict problem, but it seens the problem unfortunaly is not that.

Seens to me that must be a special way to enter the IBCs when you have ODE coupled in the systems. Funny thing is when i solve just the two PDE everything goes fine, when I add the ODEs to the system I receive the error mentioned above.

I went to Maple`s help concerning to the PDEsystem, and there is told that pdsolve can solve systems of PDE in which ODEs may be included, but it doesn`t say how to write the ics inside the IBCs.

Anyway, thanks again for the help, everyone is welcome to try a guess and help me



Hi Robert.

Thanks for answering me. I undertood what you said, so what i did was to remove the equation (4) from the system (i can do that cause this ODE brings information only about the position of the system). The result stays the same.

I thought maybe removing the z(t) it would solve the conflict problem, but it seens the problem unfortunaly is not that.

Seens to me that must be a special way to enter the IBCs when you have ODE coupled in the systems. Funny thing is when i solve just the two PDE everything goes fine, when I add the ODEs to the system I receive the error mentioned above.

I went to Maple`s help concerning to the PDEsystem, and there is told that pdsolve can solve systems of PDE in which ODEs may be included, but it doesn`t say how to write the ics inside the IBCs.

Anyway, thanks again for the help, everyone is welcome to try a guess and help me



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