
35 Reputation

4 Badges

9 years, 265 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by TP427

that can run without maple using my own maple code?

And how about Maplesim? I heard that Maplesim can generate executable file

I used to convert the expression to latex code and copy the code to MathType, the insert the expression.

Is there any easier way?

I want the expression I inserted is modifiable, so copy from Maple and paste to Word is not what I want.

When solving ODE with dsolve, I don't want to use "_C1" as the name of constant, I want to specify by myself, how can I do?

I want to display calculation steps by maple like this


How can I do so that when I enter k:=a+b*c (the value of a,b,c have been assigned) and it can show the substitution process and display the result like this

for example

There is a Matrix A:=Matrix([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]), which function can help me find if 4 is an entry of  this Matrix?

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