
Technical Support

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16 years, 215 days
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

MaplePrimes Activity

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We have just released updates to Maple and MapleSim.

Maple 2024.2 includes ability to tear away tabs into new windows, improvements to scrollable matrices, corrections to PDF export, small improvements throughout the math engine, and moreWe recommend that all Maple 2024 users install this update.

This update also include a fix to the problem with the simplify extension mechanism, as first reported on MaplePrimes. Thanks, as always, for helping us make Maple better.

This update is available through Tools>Check for Updates in Maple, and is also available from the Maple 2024.2 download page, where you can find more details.

At the same time, we have also released an update to MapleSim, which contains a variety of improvements to MapleSim and its add-ons. You can find more information on the MapleSim 2024.2 download page.

The tab key, and the mouse can be used to trigger completion selection in Maple 2024.1 like previous versions. 

For interface resposiveness, a new option (disabled by default) has been added to the interface tab of Maple 2024.1 Options (available from the Tools menu). Users that prefer to use enter to trigger completion selection can enable the option. 

Change the option here and apply to the session or globally if using enter to trigger completion selection is preferred.

We have just released an update to Maple. Maple 2024.1 includes improvements to the math engine, PDF export, the Physics package, command completion, and more. As always, we recommend that all Maple 2024 users install this update. In particular, please note that this update includes fixes to ODESteps and simplifying integrals, as reported on Maple Primes. Thanks for helping us, and other users, by letting us know!

At the same time, we have also released an update to MapleSim. MapleSim 2024.1.1 includes improvements to FMU import/export, plotting, co-simulation, and more, as well as enhancements to the Web Handling Library.

These updates are available through Tools>Check for Updates in Maple or MapleSim, and are also available from the Download Product Updates section of our web site, where you can find more details.

[Right-click on image and open in new tab to see larger]

To Scan Math with the Maple Calculator and show solution steps in Maple:

1. first scan some math with the calculator

2. Maple calculator immediately shows the solution if that is what you are looking for:

3. Calculator gives options to show the solution steps in the calculator itself ( footprint button in top-right) 

4. Or to upload the math to the MapleCloud (cloud icon with up arrow)

5. Once the math is uploaded, MapleCloud can be loaded on a desktop computer and the file opened from your account's Maple Calculator group of files:

6. Again, the solution and some more details are visible on Maple Cloud:

7. To open this math in Maple, click the blue button to Download the file.

The downloaded file can then be loaded in Maple:

8. The Maple commands to solve this math are shown, and the result. 

To show steps in Maple at this point, convert the math to inert form, then run the Student:-Calculus1:-ShowSolution() command on it:

Ex := Int(3.(x^2), x = 0 .. 7)

Int(3*x^2, x = 0 .. 7)




The solution to this integral is:

int(3*x^2, x = 0 .. 7)




"[[,,"Integration Steps"],[,,(&int;)[0]^73 x^2 &DifferentialD;x],["&EmptyVerySmallSquare;",,"1. Apply the" "constant multiple" "rule to the term" &int;3 x^2 &DifferentialD;x],[,"?","Recall the definition of the" "constant multiple" "rule"],[,,&int;[] f(x) &DifferentialD;x=[] (&int;f(x) &DifferentialD;x)],[,"?","This means:"],[,,&int;3 x^2 &DifferentialD;x=3 (&int;x^2 &DifferentialD;x)],[,,"We can rewrite the integral as:"],[,,3 ((&int;)[0]^7x^2 &DifferentialD;x)],["&EmptyVerySmallSquare;",,"2. Apply the" "power" "rule to the term" &int;x^2 &DifferentialD;x],[,"?","Recall the definition of the" "power" "rule, for n" "<>" "-1"],[,,&int;x^[] &DifferentialD;x=[]],[,"?","This means:"],[,,&int;x^2 &DifferentialD;x=[]],[,"?","So,"],[,,&int;x^2 &DifferentialD;x=(x^3)/3],[,"?","Apply limits of definite integral"],[,,[]-([])],[,,"We can rewrite the integral as:"],[,,343]]6""



A Flow and Maple user wonders why Maple Flow may evaluate to high-precision, floating point numbers compared to the same commands used in Maple that evaluate to simple, concise answers.



We suggest the same results can be achieved by toggling the numeric/symbolic evaluation mode toggle in the Flow math container(s)





For more information, please see section 3.5 of the Maple Flow User Manual (Numeric and Symbolic Evaluation Modes). 

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