Wang Gaoteng

173 Reputation

12 Badges

14 years, 149 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Wang Gaoteng




I use maplesim to simulate two simple pendulum, as the figure illustrated. The model works well. I want to let the names "pendulum A" and "pendulum B" appear in the 3D graphical view, so the audience will distinguish them...


I use the fellowing commands to get the figures which I want to insert in a microsoft word document.

sys3 := NewSystem((4*s^2+64*s+224)/(s^4+32*s^3+304*s^2+896*s));

But the figures are too big. I want to change the figure size by using some commands, namely, make the figures smaller, but don't change the frequency (x-axes) and magnitude/phase (y-axes) of them. So after size-modifying, the figures can be inserted in a word document properly.


I use the following commands to generate the frequency response of a system,


sys := TransferFunction(10/(s*(s+1)*((1/4)*s^2+1))):


but the figure which maple outputs seems not good because the ranges of x-y axises are very large. I try to use NyquistPlot(sys,view=[-20..20,-20..20...


I want to solve the following equation:

equ := 4*arctan(x)-4*x/(1+x^2) = 0

so I use fsolve(equ,x) to get all solutions of equ, but only get one of the roots:zero. Actually, equ has three roots, as the picture which can be generated by the following commands illustrated.

f1 := arctan(x):

f2 := 4*x/(x^2+1):

p1 := plot(f1, legend = ["arctan(x)"], color = red):

p2 := plot(f2, legend = ["4x/(x^2+1)"], color = blue):

This is an equation:T*s^3+s^2+K=0,where T>0,K>0, s is complex variable. I have known that one of its roots has real part, and this real part is independent of T and K. I don't know how can I use maple to illustrate this conclusion, can you give me some advices? I try to use solve command, but the result is very chaotic.

Thank you in advance.

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