Wang Gaoteng

173 Reputation

12 Badges

14 years, 143 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Wang Gaoteng

After browsing the website , I find it is a company which provides server leases. Now maple is much stronger than before, and more competitive, especially after releasing maplesim, the customers of maple/maplesim are more and more. I think some guy is running undesirable competition to destory the corporate image of maplesoft.

I am also very angry about the spam attack, and feel ashamed of the server provider. This will also destory the reputation of China.

I have to say that your guess is not sufficient. If one of your neighbour lives in the north of your house, and one night you find a thief just run to the north, then do you guess that the thief is your neighbour ?

I guess the network attack come from the competitor. Acturally, none of the 3M roots in China, the IP (or the posted links) is a subtle form of deception, a smoke screen.

I have to say that your guess is not sufficient. If one of your neighbour lives in the north of your house, and one night you find a thief just run to the north, then do you guess that the thief is your neighbour ?

I guess the network attack come from the competitor. Acturally, none of the 3M roots in China, the IP (or the posted links) is a subtle form of deception, a smoke screen.

I explore some threads, and find one method which mentioned using plot component to set the figure size. Fortunately, I just have an example about how to use the component to plot figures at hand. It is very interesting to use the components. But it seems that there is no plot option to set the figure size except  export the figure in one file.

Thank you very much again!

Best regards!

I explore some threads, and find one method which mentioned using plot component to set the figure size. Fortunately, I just have an example about how to use the component to plot figures at hand. It is very interesting to use the components. But it seems that there is no plot option to set the figure size except  export the figure in one file.

Thank you very much again!

Best regards!

Thank you so much! You codes are very briliant and wonderful. After the whole afternoon, just as a beginner, I finally grasped the codes. I think it is worth spending the time for maple beginners.

Best regards! 

Thank you so much! You codes are very briliant and wonderful. After the whole afternoon, just as a beginner, I finally grasped the codes. I think it is worth spending the time for maple beginners.

Best regards! 

Thank you very much for giving me the advise.

Best regards!

Thank you very much for giving me the advise.

Best regards!

Hello, very thinks for sharing this video. But are there any other links about this video? Because YouTube website has been depressed for some political reasons in some countries.

Very Thanks again, sir.

Very Thanks again, sir.

Thank you very much! The codes are very useful, and very timely, now I can overcome the problem.

Best regards!

Thank you very much! The codes are very useful, and very timely, now I can overcome the problem.

Best regards!

Dear Sir, thank you very much! The figure is very nice!

By the way, it is puzzling me that why does some disconstinuous points appeared in the figure:

with(plots):polarplot((4.8*cos(t)-sqrt(4.8^2*cos(t)^2-16*1.24))*(1/8), t = 0 .. 2*Pi, color = gold, filled = [color = red, transparency = .5]) 

The polar equation is deduced from (x-0.6)^2+y^2=0.05.

Can you tell me how can I repair this defect?

Best Regards!

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