Wang Gaoteng

173 Reputation

12 Badges

13 years, 359 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Wang Gaoteng

@Oliver K Thank you very much! This plugin is very useful, thanks again!

@Oliver K Thank you very much! This plugin is very useful, thanks again!

Thank you for telling me this very useful method. It works very well. Can you tell me from which website I can get the stl plugin?

Best regards.

Thank you for telling me this very useful method. It works very well. Can you tell me from which website I can get the stl plugin?

Best regards.

Thank you very much! Very Profect!

By the way, I add a legned in the command,A:= op(1,BodePlot(sys3,legend=["aa"])),as A[1,1] and A[2,1] export two figures, then both A[1,1] and A[2,1] have the same legend, is there any way to export A[1,1] and A[2,1] in only only figure? And only the legend of A[2,1] appeared?

Best regards!

Thank you very much! Very Profect!

By the way, I add a legned in the command,A:= op(1,BodePlot(sys3,legend=["aa"])),as A[1,1] and A[2,1] export two figures, then both A[1,1] and A[2,1] have the same legend, is there any way to export A[1,1] and A[2,1] in only only figure? And only the legend of A[2,1] appeared?

Best regards!

Today, I use mathematica8 to generate the nyquist plot of 10/(s*(s+1)*(0.25*s^2+1)), it is very interesting that mathematica plots the figure perfectly, because when the frequency range from 0 to 0+, 0- to 0, 2- to 2+,and -2- to -2+, the nyquist curves are some large dash circular arcs according to control theory, but these dash arcs are not presented in maple, I hope maple can improve the command. The picture demonstrates mathematica8 command and the corresponding figure.


Today, I use mathematica8 to generate the nyquist plot of 10/(s*(s+1)*(0.25*s^2+1)), it is very interesting that mathematica plots the figure perfectly, because when the frequency range from 0 to 0+, 0- to 0, 2- to 2+,and -2- to -2+, the nyquist curves are some large dash circular arcs according to control theory, but these dash arcs are not presented in maple, I hope maple can improve the command. The picture demonstrates mathematica8 command and the corresponding figure.


@Thomas Richard Thanks a lot. It works very well.

Best regards.

@Thomas Richard Thanks a lot. It works very well.

Best regards.

Thanks a lot.

range combines with view can plot the figure effectively. By the way, as the transfer function illustrated, an vibration frequency exists, so when the frequency approaches 2 rad/s, the curve tends to infinity. If the frequency acrosses 2 rad/s, namely, from 2.01 to infinity, then the curve tends to zero as frequency tends infinity. I want to get the full frequency range response using nyquist plot, is there any way to plot the curve with range=0.1..1.9 and 2.1..infinity, just escape the frequency 2 rad/s ?

Best regards.

Thanks a lot.

range combines with view can plot the figure effectively. By the way, as the transfer function illustrated, an vibration frequency exists, so when the frequency approaches 2 rad/s, the curve tends to infinity. If the frequency acrosses 2 rad/s, namely, from 2.01 to infinity, then the curve tends to zero as frequency tends infinity. I want to get the full frequency range response using nyquist plot, is there any way to plot the curve with range=0.1..1.9 and 2.1..infinity, just escape the frequency 2 rad/s ?

Best regards.

@pagan Thank you for telling me SCR. I try to explain the problem, and hoping the staff understand because I can express in English with only simple sentences and a few words.

@pagan Thank you for telling me SCR. I try to explain the problem, and hoping the staff understand because I can express in English with only simple sentences and a few words.

Thanks. This package is very useful.

Best regards.

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