
120 Reputation

6 Badges

17 years, 5 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by a_simsim

@Rouben Rostamian  


Dear Rouben, tx for the quick answer, silly mistake of me, works perfect.

best regards



@Preben Alsholm 

Dear Preben,

This is really great and useful, thank you very much! I ( we all ) could learn a lot. With this it is way more clear by now how to use events with ODEs. I've carefully saved it up for later, more complicated cases.

Tx again and best regards,


@Preben Alsholm Wow, this is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you very much! Frankly I tried to figure it out from Maple's help, but got lost in the jungle. More examples there would be certainly useful.

Thank you once again,

best regards



First of all tx very much for the kind answer. To be more specific: in this example there are 7 cells, i.e. 7 polygons. How to proceed, if the corner points of each polygon are needed as a pair of ( xi , yi ) coordinates? (Stored in either 7 lists, or printed, or exported, etc.)

Tx for the kind help in advance,

best regards




Dear Tom,

Tx very much, I learned a lot.

best regards


@Carl Love The reason is that for newbies like me this plot command is a bit difficult to interperet, so I just wanted to know, whether there is an easier, more direct way to export results, so I can learn how to do and apply it later on.

Tx in advance,

best regards



Dear Tom tx very much. Is it necessary to plot results first and then export it, or is it  also possible to directly export results from    sol     to Excel without plotting it?

Tx and best regards,


@tomleslie , @Carl Love

Tx very much both of you for the kind help. May I have one more question? Is there an easy way to export results to Excel? i.e. L1(t) ... L4(t) to an Excel sheet?

tx very much, 

best regards



@Carl Love 

Dear Carl,


I tried as you advised, but it still does not work. dsolve sends me an error message, and if I click on it, the Maple web site says "there is no description to this problem.."

I've attached the model and the Q(t) source Excel file. Could you pls. have a look at it, what do I do wrong?

Tx in advance and best regards





Dear Tom,

Thank you so much!

best regards


@Carl Love 

Dear Carl,

Thank you very much. May I have one more question? Where do I specify the range of solution, i.e. that time goes from 0 to 400d?

tx and best regards


@Joe Riel Dear Joe tx very much. Small change, big help, learned something new.

best regards


@Joe Riel 

Dear Joe,

Tx very much. I did the first approach some time ago, but I wanted to have all this in MapleSim, so the second solution is the winner.

Tx for the kind help,

best regards


@Dear All,

Thank you very much for the great help, now it works as expected and I can move on.

best regards




Dear Edgardo,

This is great news, and thank you very much on behalf of the engineering community. My interest in Den Iseger is because in our industry numerical Laplace inversion (mostly Stehfest) is used frequently, but recent research showed, that Den Iseger is the most accurate one - although the most difficult too. It would be also a great achievement for Maple, because no other software offers it yet. I checked out my archives, and found even more useful material from Den Iseger, which I've sent to you directly. Hope they help.

best regards



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