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These are answers submitted by acer

See ?dsolve[classical] for details. Hopefully I got it right. sys:={diff(y(t),t) = ((2-t)*(2-y(t)))/y(t) , y(0)=1}: sol:=dsolve(sys,numeric,method=classical[foreuler],stepsize=0.2,output=listprocedure): fy[0.2] := eval( y(t), sol): sol:=dsolve(sys,numeric,method=classical[foreuler],stepsize=0.1,output=listprocedure): fy[0.1] := eval( y(t), sol): sol:=dsolve(sys,numeric,method=classical[foreuler],stepsize=0.05,output=listprocedure): fy[0.05] := eval( y(t), sol): fy[0.05](1.0); fy[0.1](1.0); fy[0.2](1.0); plot([fy[0.2],fy[0.1],fy[0.05]],0..8,legend=[fy[0.2],fy[0.1],fy[0.05]]); acer
Do you mean something like this?
m := Matrix([[a[1]*b[1],c[1]+d[1]*e[1]],[sin(a[1]),exp(a[1]*b[1])]]);

Increasing the amount of memory used between garbage collections seems to help. Hopefully I transcribed your nested sum properly.


# This next results in a double summation
# involving hypergeoms.
ee := sum(sum(sum((1-p)^i/(a1*i+a1+a2*j+a2+a3*k+a3),
                  i = 0 .. infinity)*(1-p)^j,
              j = 0 .. infinity)*(1-p)^k,
          k = 0 .. infinity);

evalf(subs(a1 = .4, a2 = .1, a3 = .5, p = 1/3, ee));
Using 64bit Linux Maple 11.00 the timing on my machine with default gcfreq was about 64sec, and with the above gcfreq was about 20sec. The memory allocated went up, from 12 million words to about 215 million words. You might gauge how high to set it according to how much physical memory your machine has. Using 32bit Linux Maple 11.00 on the same machine I got a time of about 22sec using gcfreq=[10^8,0.1]. The total bytesalloc was 320 million words. Now, this may be ill-advised in general, but for your particular example I got an answer correct to within 1 digit in the last place (at Digits=10) by using `add` in the final numerical instantiation. And it only took a couple of seconds. Of course, in general one might rely better on evalf/Sum's techniques, and also not know how many terms to add or how fast the excluded portion decays.


ee := sum(sum(sum((1-p)^i/(a1*i+a1+a2*j+a2+a3*k+a3),
                  i = 0 .. infinity)*(1-p)^j,
              j = 0 .. infinity)*(1-p)^k,
          k = 0 .. infinity):

evalf(subs(a1 = .4, a2 = .1, a3 = .5, p = 1/3, EE));
There may be other sneaky ways. This is in Maple 11.00 or 11.02.
> restart:
> ee:=p*(-1+p)*hypergeom([1, 1], [2], 1-p)*hypergeom([1], [], 2-p):
> convert(convert(convert(ee,MeijerG),`1F1`),hypergeom);

                        p hypergeom([1, 1], [2], 1 - p)

> restart:
> ee:=p*(-1+p)*hypergeom([1, 1], [2], 1-p)*hypergeom([1], [], 2-p):
> convert(ee,`0F1`);

                        p hypergeom([1, 1], [2], 1 - p)

This is the sort of problem where people will try to out do each other. :) I'll shoot for simple.
p := proc(n::posint)
  local s;
end proc:

There's also this
q := proc(n::posint)
end proc:
Doing it efficiently is another matter. acer
zurflu14 := t->A*exp(-k*t); D(zurflu14); acer
This might help you produce them. Note that this won't get you Atomic Identifiers in 2D Input without using the mouse. But you can get them assigned to other variables, and use them, and they should appear subscripted in 2D Math output and be distinct from the similar-looking "table" members.
f := proc(x::evaln,y::evaln)
convert( cat( "#msub(mi(\"",
end proc;


f(x,g) - x[g];
It might be that the intended expression is actually,
> ( cos(x)-cos(11*x) )/( cos(3*x)-cos(7*x) );

                              cos(x) - cos(11 x)
                              cos(3 x) - cos(7 x)
which is more interesting because the numerator and denominator both evaluate to 0 when x=0. If that's the case, and if you have to show your work, then here's a hint. Try applying L'Hopital's rule twice. You should get
> ( -cos(x)+121*cos(11*x) )/( -9*cos(3*x)+49*cos(7*x) );

                            -cos(x) + 121 cos(11 x)
                           -9 cos(3 x) + 49 cos(7 x)
So then you can take the limit of the above. Here's a harder way, in case you have not yet been taught that rule for limits of the form 0/0. Try using multiple-angle formulas to get the numerator and the denominator to have only cos(x) in them. In Maple, you can use expand() for that. If that results in polynomials in cos(x), then substitute cos(x)=y and try to factor those polynomials, so that numerator/denominator will simplify. The end result should be just this simple equivalent expression whose limit at x=0 is easy.
                                   4            2
                          16 cos(x)  - 16 cos(x)  + 3
This input form below worked ok for me in Maple 11.00, using the original operator p that was supplied.
> Optimization[Maximize](p, 1 .. 2,
>     method = branchandbound);
                 [0.600000000000001421, [1.69999999999999996]]
But these next ones did not, which looks like a bug,
> Optimization[Maximize](p(x), x=1 .. 2);
Error, (in Optimization:-NLPSolve) unable to convert

> Optimization[Maximize](p(x), x=1 .. 2,
>     method = branchandbound);
Error, (in Optimization:-NLPSolve) unable to convert
A little more. LinearAlgebra:-LA_Main:-MatrixScalarMultiply( temp, I*alpha[1], inplace=true, outputoptions=[datatype=complex[8]]): in the final loop could be replaced by msm:=LinearAlgebra:-LA_Main:-LA_External:-MatrixScalarMultiply: msm(temp,I*alpha[1]): # safer is msm(temp,evalf(I*alpha[1])) where the assignment to `msm` is done right after that to `mmm`, before the loop begins. Also, there is a call to LinearAlgebra:-LA_Main:-MatrixScalarMultiply inside `matexp`. This could be set up to directly call an external function, just like is done for addition, norm, etc. The following lines could be added in `matexp` in the relevant places, and ExtMSM declared as a new local. ExtMSM := ExternalCalling:-DefineExternal('hw_f06jdf', extlib); ExtMSM := ExternalCalling:-DefineExternal('sw_f06jdf', extlib); Then the call in `matexp` LinearAlgebra:-LA_Main:-MatrixScalarMultiply(a, M, 'inplace' = 'true', 'outputoptions' = []); could be replaced by ExtMSM(n*n, M, a, 1); Together those give another 10%-15% or time savings over the orginal at size 16x16. Keep in mind that all this is deliberately bypassing a lot of sanity checks. The Matrices had better be complex[8] datatypes with full rectangular storage, or else it will crash and burn. It's not just garbage collection that slows Maple down for these computations. It's also the cost and overhead of Maple function calls, some of which have been avoided in the code I've posted on this example. Having Maple be a general system capable of exact or arbitrary precision floating-point computations brings with it the overhead of smart runtime selection of modes. Systems like Matlab don't necessarily have that sort of overhead, if they are primarily purely hardware double precision engines. There are alternative schemes for the general purpose system like Maple. For example, on-the-fly generation of code tailored for just a single mode of computations (exact, hardware, arbitrary precision, etc) is one possibility. Another possibility is making very low-level routines like the BLAS get direct, individual interfaces at the user level. acer
If I issue the Maple command, plotsetup(cps); then my plot goes to the file "postscript.eps" and appears in colour. But with plotsetup(ps) it appears in greyscale. A problem with tex -> pdf (file not found), while working for tex -> dvi, sounds a bit like a path issue in your tex setup. acer
Interesting. When you strengthen any assumptions on beta, can you use subs() and replace any older expressions's "beta"s with the new? To make doing that easier, you could assign beta to some new temp name, on each call to additionally(). A very crude example,
> restart:
> assume(beta::real):
> z := beta:
> A := <beta*Pi>:
> additionally(beta>0);
> z2 := beta:
> newA := subs(z=z2,A);
                       newA := [beta~ Pi]
> map(about,indets(%[1]));
Originally beta, renamed beta~:
  is assumed to be: RealRange(Open(0),infinity)
So, above, the result newA of the subs() call is a new Vector, a copy of A but with the new tighter beta.
> A-<beta*Pi>;
                             [beta~ Pi - beta~ Pi]
> newA-<beta*Pi>;

> X:=Vector(100,(i)->i):
> X[61]:=X[60]:

> for i from 1 to 100 do
>   if X[i]=X[i+1] then
>     k := i;
>     break;
>   end if;
> end do:

> k;

> i;
One way in which this sort of behaviour can arise is if expressions with beta are created each with different assumptions on beta. That is to say, distinct beta~ instances can be created. In such a case, such distinct instances may not cancel (and rightly so, if they have differing assumptions). For example,
> restart:
> assume(beta>0);
> a:=beta;
                                  a := beta~
> assume(beta>=0);
> c:=beta;
                                  c := beta~
> a-c;
                                 beta~ - beta~
> map(convert,a-c,`global`);
Could you post the values of A,B,C,D,E, and F? acer
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