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19 years, 111 days
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These are replies submitted by acer

Does your browser have a (default) setting for viewing text that is not specified by the page?

In such a scenario people could control their own default by choice, as opposed to heavy-handedly having the posting force it on all viewers.



`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2024.1, Linux, June 25 2024 Build ID 1835466`

is(abs(x)=max(x,-x)) assuming real;



(No Physics update installed, fwiw.)

I have changed this from a Post to a Question.

This is the second query of yours in a few days that has been submitted as a Post. Please submit future querues as Questions rather than Posts.

As has been previously requested of you, please put followup queries or details on this topic here, or use the Branch button from here, instead of spawning wholly separate new Question threads for it.

@janhardo Sometimes this member deletes his own Questions; that does not help keep things straight. That also doesn't help since it removes previous answers.

I suspect that sometimes this member might delete an earlier Question so as to be able to post a duplicate. That would seem like very wrong behavior to me, ie. who else would know(?), any earlier answer is lost, etc. Instead, he should either continue the earlier thread by adding followup details queries in a comment, or Branch. But this member's behavior is inconsistent in this regard.

By "this member" I mean the author of this Question, not any moderator.

ps. I've never removed a branched Question as duplicate.


1) You asked how to correct your attempt to export the data to Matlab even though you don't know how to plot it in Matlab; to quote: "...I could plot by matlab at there but I didn't try it and I don't know how do that". And you don't know how else to plot the exported data; to quote: "...but since I'm using Notepad, I'm not sure how to plot graphs with this data. I plan to try another approach. Do you have any ideas about graphing this data?".

2) You also seem to have surmised that some 3rd part software will make your desired plot appear, even though your earlier problem with the data was (apparently) in its formulation and structure. If you didn't get the data you wanted in Maple then how could some other software use that same deficient data and produce the plot you want?

@salim-barzani It's not clear what you're now saying about Notepad.

You wrote originally that you wanted to plot the data in Matlab. And you specifically exported to a Matlab format file.

If you want to do some Excel thing then you could instead use ExcelTools:-Export, and export it as .xls format. But, then, why did you say Matlab originally?!

What is the current value returned by currentdir()? Is it pointing to a folder which is writable by you?

Did you perhaps want to export it as an .xls Excel file?

@salim-barzani You can put your followup queries on this topic here, or Branch from here.

That relates/connects the previous content and answers.

You've been asked this before, on at least three occasions.

@dharr In the old Classic GUI (ie. The GUI, pre-Maple 9) the algorithm that divvied up the subexpressions was better. And line-breaks worked well.

ps. It would be useful if there were a function that estimated pixel-width for the 2D Math pretty-printing of an expression.

@salim-barzani I can't read that expression, from that grainy image. And I'm not going to type it in, even if I could read it.

You can put that line-break example in a Maple worksheet, with just the problematic expression.

You don't need to add all the code to construct the expressions; just include the express that produces LaTeX as you want with the line-break, and the expanded form that has the line-break.

But if you don't provide the problem example in explicit Maple then I won't work on it.

Do you want to reduce the size of the expression?

Or do you have some special favoring of collecting wrt B[1] and B[2], and only want to deal with common numeric coefficients?

I ask, because it's possible to get a smaller collected result.

What can you tell us about the variables?

Are any purely real? Are any positive? Are any less than -1? etc.

@imparter You'd need to ensure that the file location is writable for you.

I just gave the filename "imparter.xls", so that would end up in whatever folder is the current working directory -- see the output from the Maple command currentdir.

I cannot tell whether the (default) location happens to be writable by you.

You haven't indicated your operating system, or where you want the file to be created. It could be,
   "C::/Users/imparter/foobar/imparter.xls"      MS-Windows
    "/home/imparter/foobar/imparter.xls"            Linux
or something else that you choose.

You could set currentdir(...), and then pass just a plain file name to the Export command. Or you could pass a fully qualified name, eg. "C::/blah/blech/etc.xls" or whatever is appropriate for your OS.

@C_R My motivation in asking is that it is not clear that you even have to use subsop. I can think of three scenarios in which one might think it is necessary even though it is not.

But since you have declined to provide a representative example of your current process I shall walk away.

ps. Before you posted this Question I had obtained a speed-up in that earlier Question thread, using evalhf (avoiding a few pitfalls; eg. like dharr I had concluded that reducing the total number of exp calls might be crucial).

But I am still hunting for still more overwhelmingly large gains in that example, on top of the items to which I alluded in that earlier Question thread including: expression "simplification", procedure optimization (codegen), hardware float evaluation, and parallelism.

pps. Additionally, option hfloat is not always as fast as evalhf (though sometimes it is).

You could show here a (small, manageable) example-to-reproduce of your procedure construction.

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