
20 Reputation

2 Badges

15 years, 196 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by aftab

ok dear thanks i will try to run it on some server...... if it work over there...........but it is quit strange that how it is solvale for omegas  , where there are lot of terms of omegas like walp , wbe ,and wze, and less terms for xp , yp and zp.............

ok dear thanks i will try to run it on some server...... if it work over there...........but it is quit strange that how it is solvale for omegas  , where there are lot of terms of omegas like walp , wbe ,and wze, and less terms for xp , yp and zp.............

dear thanks for your quick response.. yes that is a big problem, as i have to solve that with transformd inertiai, i am getting solution like if i diffenriate lmd w.r.t walp ,wbe or wze i get the solution, but i am diffrentiation w.r.t xp, yp and zp , and then i am getting the message like "cwmaple.exe has stopped working". i have also tried to simpliy the expressions like the jacobian elements but stil i am getting the same problem............if you some new idea to solve this, will be thankfull to u....

dear thanks for your quick response.. yes that is a big problem, as i have to solve that with transformd inertiai, i am getting solution like if i diffenriate lmd w.r.t walp ,wbe or wze i get the solution, but i am diffrentiation w.r.t xp, yp and zp , and then i am getting the message like "cwmaple.exe has stopped working". i have also tried to simpliy the expressions like the jacobian elements but stil i am getting the same problem............if you some new idea to solve this, will be thankfull to u....

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