
Prof. Amr Ramadan

76 Reputation

8 Badges

14 years, 193 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by amrramadaneg

Hello Dears

I have this equation

                                          (Napla)^4 * F(x,y) + k^2 *  (Napla)^2 * F(x,y)= 0,      (1)

which may be written as a non-homgeneous Helmholtz equation as

                                          (Napla)^2 * F(x,y) + k^2 * F(x,y)= g(x,y),                (2)

where the function g(x,y) is a harmonic function and (Napla)^2 is the laplace's operator in two dimension.

Can Maple solve equation (1), it will be better. If not may be solve equation (2).



I have a line integral and i want to calculate and graph this line integral.

The line integral comes from a physical problem, the integrand is good in the interval [0, 2*Pi] and the value of the integrand at zero = the value of the integrand at 2*Pi.

The problem is when i use the trapizidal rule to calculate the line integral.

The results is so bad, i.e.  the value of the line integral at zero not equal to the value of the line integral at 2* Pi.

where is the problem.

Any one could help me.

Hi. It is be good to be with you after 4 years.

I want to ask about Curvefitting for Data. If I have a numerical data and i want to find a function in x and y for these data.


I want to sum some series by Maple and plotting. The problem is the sum of series are known like


the problem is the difference between two graphs at the intersection x-axis and y-axis.

Is there any solution for this problem.


Dear Friends.   I solve a group of linear equations and the memory is not enough and i can't 
adding a new hardware to the computer.

i increase the virtual memory of the computer from some chose for the operating system 
but it seem to me the Maple use the memory from the hardware only.

I want to know is there any method to make the Maple using the virtual memory for 
the computer

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