
75 Reputation

5 Badges

7 years, 91 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by assma

how can i determain the drawing dimensions ( length and width), if i want to draw two graphs of the same dimensions?

How can find maximum and minimum values of function f(x,y) and location?

f(x,y):=cos(x*y)*(x^2+y^2)^0.5   from x=0..1,y=0..1

how save data as table or file? such as this data



f := proc (y) options operator, arrow; -(1-tanh(y-.25)^2)^2+2*tanh(y-.25)^2*(1-tanh(y-.25)^2) end proc;
g := proc (y) options operator, arrow; (2*cosh(y-.25)^2-3)/cosh(y-.25)^4 end proc;

                        2.719999946 10  
                        2.718614181 10  

g(y) is simplify (f(y)), but f(10) is not equal g(10), why?


u1 := proc (x, y) options operator, arrow; 1-e^(a*x)*cos(2*Pi*y) end proc;
a := -.39323780;
evalf(int(int(u1(x, y)^2, y = -.5 .. 1.5), x = -.5 .. 1.5));
             1             /                  /          5 
  ------------------------ \0.000002034392421 \6.25000 10  
  ln(e) e                                                  

     (1966189/1250000)              6        (5898567/5000000)
    e                  + 1.966189 10  ln(e) e                 

     - 6.25000 10 //

I need help me , how can find this integral as simple number?

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