
75 Reputation

5 Badges

7 years, 62 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by assma

u1 := proc (x, y) options operator, arrow; 1-e^(a*x)*cos(2*`πy`) end proc;
u2 := proc (x, y) options operator, arrow; a*e^(a*x)*cos2*`πy` end proc;

norm(u2(x, y), 2)/norm(u1(x, y), 2);
Error, invalid input: norm expects its 1st argument, p, to be of type {Matrix, Vector, matrix, polynom, vector}, but received a*e^(a*x)*cos2*`πy`

Why different between calculate two form? I use maple 2017

evalf(sech(20)^2); evalf(sech(-20)^2);
                       1.699341702 *10^ -17  
                       1.699341702 *10^ -17  
evalf(1-tanh(20)^2); evalf(1-tanh(-20)^2);


how can save of resultes as matrix in file.dat?


What is the best method of transferring figures of maple 18 to latex ?

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