brian bovril

894 Reputation

16 Badges

18 years, 10 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by brian bovril


A padel group organises doubles tournaments with the following structure: 16 players participate in four rounds, with each round consisting of four doubles matches. Players switch partners after each round.

So what I require is some code to generate the first round matches, the second round, the third, the nth .....

note the worksheet I bastardised from Tom Leslie's work.


My third-party soft is fussy: it will only accept pasted plaintext, with no spaces in between, for example:


#My input is 
ans1 := [1407, 1408, 2, 1409, 1411, 0], [1407, 1409, 2, 1408, 1411, 0], [1407, 1411, 2, 1408, 1409, 0];

#I am "trying" to remove the whitespace and convert it to plain text

for i to 3 do
next i

#But the whitespace is still there....

ans1 := [1407, 1408, 2, 1409, 1411, 0], 

  [1407, 1409, 2, 1408, 1411, 0], [1407, 1411, 2, 1408, 1409, 0]

                  1407, 1408, 2, 1409, 1411, 0

                  1407, 1409, 2, 1408, 1411, 0

                  1407, 1411, 2, 1408, 1409, 0


I'm trying to automate this production of doubles combinations with a set scoreline in between. The minimum is 4 players, but we could have many more players, producing many combinations. 

example: 4 players, set score 2-0 for each match

DBL:=choose([Novice,Weak_Intermediate,Strong_Intermediate,Advanced], 2);

#and the reverse

#the output contains square brackets. How do I remove them?


I wanted to know how to search a list of permutations given criteria: print the permutation(s) If the 4th element of each perm was equal to [C,Z} and the seventh was equal to [B,Y]


Say I have 3 players on 2 teams. The teams play each other and there are 9 single [[A[s], B[s]], [A[s], B[m]], [A[s], B[w]], [A[m], B[s]], [A[m], B[m]], [A[m], B[w]], [A[w], B[s]], [A[w], B[m]], [A[w], B[w]]]matchups.

A, B, C & X, Y, Z. are the players. A and X are the strongest players, C and Z are the weakest.

Here's one: [[A,X],[B,Y],[C,Z],[A,Y],[B,Z],[C,X],[A,Z],[B,X],[C,Y]]

So i'm looking for some code to display all such permutations.

Carl came up with some code a while back which 'kind of' does it

P:= [A,B]:  S:= [s,m,w]:
[seq(rtable((1..nops(S)) $ nops(P), ()-> index~(P, S[[args]]), order= C_order))];
[[A[s], B[s]], [A[s], B[m]], [A[s], B[w]], [A[m], B[s]], [A[m], B[m]], [A[m], B[w]], [A[w], B[s]], [A[w], B[m]], [A[w], B[w]]]

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