brian bovril

914 Reputation

16 Badges

18 years, 168 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by brian bovril

@Kitonum Thx.  I swore I'd seen the formula before, so I looked through my repository of worksheets and found a worksheet from my Maple 15 folder:

and a link to similar work.

I didn't move it or remove it. Acer turned it into a post.

Looks like homework to me. Draw 3 lines from the vertexes of the triangle meeting in the centre of the circle. What angle is subtended at the centre? Get the radius by applying a little trigonometry.

@Carl Love Thanks for your effort. And Tom. And Markiyan.

Carl, on my Maple 2015, I don't get the output you got.

I believe the equation to optimize should be z := add(add(dist[i, j]*d[i]*Y[i, j], j = 1 .. n), i = 1 .. m);

try it and you will get different sites {compared to d[j] }


@Carl Love thanks for the procedure.

 It seems vv's simplex solution using the abs to linear trick was staring me in the face.

@Carl Love

I modified the objective using this methodology:

I'd like to make a procedure out of it, but i'm not a strong coder. Challenge anyone?

@Carl Love I was wondering when some Erudite Rchard would pull me up on that. I *assumed* when the OP mentioned "location" the problem might have involved cartesian co-ords (see attached) and therefore the Euclidean Metric (non linear) or even the Taxi Cab Metric might be appropriate. That was before he posted his worksheet. There is a saying: "Assumption is the mother of all ..........s"

Also, your Matrix solution doesn't completely work with my M2015, because it doesn't have DataFrame or DataSeries...

@Kitonum thanks Yurii. You should get a job at Maplesoft.


 constraint seq(add(Y[i,j],i=1..m)=1,j=1..n) should be seq(add(Y[i,j],j=1..n)=1,i=1..m)

@Markiyan Hirnyk Politeness? Does the idiom "pot calling the kettle black" translate in Ukrainian language?

@Carl Love thank

@Markiyan Hirnyk Now go away.

@Carl Love Sorry to bug you further, but how can the pROgGRAm be modified to output the (overall) change in mean. Eg player A1= 0, B2=-59 [round(756.6-816)],  B1=+5, A2=+2 (including the sign). Use of exports? Thankyou

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