
5 Reputation

3 Badges

13 years, 134 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by brunoleos

I'm importing a STL geometry with plottools[importplot].

The result is a PLOT3D data structure. Applying "op" to the structure reveals that it is formed by POLYGONS structures.

How can I import the same STL geometry, and, instead of getting a POLYGONS structure, getting a POINTS structure?

I think it should be direct for Maple, because in the plot view configs one can select the style to be surface, contour and even point.

If the conversion has to be by hand, does someone know a not too painful method? For me it's being painful, as I'm trying a solution all the day.

Hi there!

I'm trying to decompose a measured force (with Force and Moment block) to visualize the three components XYZ independently, using the Force Arrow block. I tried using demultiplexers but an error occur:

connection element mismatch: connect((Main.M3_1.y[1], Main.M3_1.y[2], Main.M3_1.y[3]), /*struct*/ (Main.DFPSubsys1inst.force.r_0, /*struct*/ (Main.DFPSubsys1inst.force.R.T, Main.DFPSubsys1inst.force.R.w), Main.DFPSubsys1inst.force.f,...

Hi people!

I'm experiencing lags of about 45 seconds on the interface when trying to manipulate the blocks of my model. MapleSim becomes totally unresponsible when, for example, I make a new connection. It just happens with this model.

Curiously, when I disable an specific connection, I can manipulate the model with reduced (but yet present) lags.

For instance, my processor is an Intel Core i5.

Could someone take a look at it? I will upload the model on demand.

Hi there!

Is there a way to implement a fixed delay (not the Padé approximation)? I'm using MapleSim 5. 

I tried importing the Modelica's fixed delay block, but it seems that MapleSim doesn't support the implementation...


Hi people!

Why there is not a "Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Joints.RollingWheel" (different from 1-D mechanics rolling wheel) in MapleSim 5? It is previewed in the Modelica language and SystemModeler has this implementation.

Is there a way to import the model o this joint from somewhere? If not, how could I model this non-holonimic constraint in MapleSim? 


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