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17 years, 23 days
University of Kent

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These are answers submitted by casperyc

i have already did a Ghost recovery...


i think it should be exp(1)^x


is this want you need?

this is really helpful


i might just use "0.1" method

i think all of you got a nice idea of doing it however i think may be what my friend what to do with maple is : suppose he has got several set of data a:=set of data b:=sin(set of data) c:=cos(set of data) 3d plot is there any simple way to do so? not like smooth plot liek plot( sin,1..12), thanks anyway ====================== For Maple on MAC how do i open classical worksheet if it is not on the desktop?

use the theorem to test the ODE ,the solutions are NOT unique

however maple gives me a unique solution?

LibraryTools:-Save(mayan, "/home/joe/maple/lib/mayan.mla"): should i change that slightly to get rid of the waring "Error, (in unknown) file or directory does not exist"?
really sorry to bother you however i cant resist such an intersing topic === libname := "C:\\Documents and Settings\\CasperYC\\Desktop\\mayan.mla", libname; mayan(123); then run your new procedure still Error, (in unknown) file or directory does not exist the mayan file is on my desktop...
>libname := "C:\Documents and Settings\CasperYC\Desktop\mayan.mla", libname: > mayan(123); then copy your new procedure still get Error, (in unknown) file or directory does not exist
return y[N+1]; basically i uderstand your procedure now however i cantfigure out the use of "return"and why it's index is N+1 since the rest "y"s have index small "n"
that's only a small part of a project i am doing it for fun. you can find the whole exercise on the math department of the university of oxford. i haven't learnt this perticular topic so it is kind of hard to me.
Fouriercoeff:=proc(f,n) > local k,acoeff,bcoeff,azero: > > acoeff:=seq(evalf(Int(f(x)*cos(k*x),x=-Pi..Pi))/evalf(Pi),k=1..n): > > bcoeff:=seq(evalf(Int(f(x)*sin(k*x),x=-Pi..Pi))/evalf(Pi),k=1..n): > > azero:=evalf(Int(f(x),x=-Pi..Pi))/evalf(2*Pi): > > print("a[n]=",acoeff \n); > print("b[n]=",bcoeff \n); > print("a[0]=",azero \n); > > end: and Fouriercoeff:=proc(f) > local k,acoeff,bcoeff,azero,n: > > assume(n::integer); > > acoeff:=evalf(Int(f*cos(n*x),x=-Pi..Pi))/evalf(Pi): > > bcoeff:=evalf(Int(f*sin(n*x),x=-Pi..Pi))/evalf(Pi): > > azero:=evalf(Int(f,x=-Pi..Pi))/evalf(2*Pi): > > print("a[n]=",acoeff \n); > print("b[n]=",bcoeff \n); > print("a[0]=",azero \n); > > end: is the best I can do to satisfy that question someone have any better idea to that questiones ( see exercise 4 and 5 on thanks
contourplot(f,x=-2..2,y=-2..1,color=red,contours=[-1,-7/16,0,3/4]); can i ask why is this order contours=[-1,-7/16,0,3/4]);? cheers
thanks how about exercise 7?
it's been solved thanks
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