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MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by celuti

Does anybody know how to configure the model to obtain the position constraint equations of a slider-crank mechanism as:

l1·cos(theta)+l2·sin(beta)-s = 0
l1·sin(theta)-l2·cos(beta) = 0

instead as obtained in the help-example on:

Thanks in advance

Hi everyone.

I have a doubt:

On the example at "kinematic exports help", the position constrain equations are not the same as the one made by hand. In fact, they should be as:

l1·cos(theta)+l2·sin(beta)-s = 0

l1·sin(theta)-l2·cos(beta) = 0

I know that a bit difference might be due to de sector of the angle beta. However, what I cannot undestand is why the term "s" appears multiplying to "cos(theta)" in the example.

Can anybody please help me?



Hello everyone.

When exporting the model in the picture, I want the variables to be:

s_P2(t), theta_R2(t) and theta_R3(t), as in the help example.


However, I obtain:

theta_R1(t), theta_R2(t) and theta_R3(t)

How can I choose the variables that I want?


Thanks for make learning easier!

Hello everyone.

When exporting by an multibody attachment, the name of the variables exported from a revolute or translational joint, are set by default, like "s_P2(t)", "theta_R", etc. If I wanted them to be named "x(t)",... , what will I have to do?

Is it possible to do directly, without using an alias?

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