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12 years, 24 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by das1404

Firstly apologies for the untidy program I posted.  My computer went down just as I was saving the "tidied up" version, so in exasperation I just sent the original.  You have answered my question regards the printlevel etc by removing the makeR proc.  At a later stage I want to resurrect that, as I want to animate a name - ie several letters at once.  

   You have added a line:  display(convert(framR, list), insequence=true);  which I have found instructive.  Howevere this is animating the curved part of the letter R.  My aim is to animate the leg of the R, as if it was kicking a ball.  To do this I first needed to find out about how I could put a curve in the leg, as opposed to just rotating the polygon leg about a fixed point.  There is a CurveFitting package, which involves such things as Spline, BSpline, LeastSquares,....   which I was dabbling with.   Then I found a command 'curve' which did not necessiate the curve fitting package.  In using this it has just given a series of line segments, rather than a 'best curve' close to the points.

  Thanks again for your time and help.  ...and a Happy Easter, if I don't.hear from you before.  ;  


Terrific!  You've answered my question.  Initially I was puzzled about the 6 in op (6, BS); thinking it was a typo for %, but it plotted the graph of y=2-x.   Replacing the 6 with 2, 4, 8 gave the graphs of the appropriate functions, although for #4 y=x, didn't appear for some reason - must have another look at why.  It may be the specified domain/ranges are wrong.  Putting in 1, 3, 5, 7  gave the inequalities, and these were plotted OK, except for 1 & 3 - probably for the same reason.  A  possible use for this might be to draw two sides of a rectangle, rather than the line command, but I'm unsure how safe this would be.  Replacing the 6 with 0 gave an error message (as expected).  Putting in 9 gave 0,9<=x   and x <4 - along with a swag of polynomialcurve equations.  Thanks again.    

@Kitonum cutin.mws

Thanks for that, and for pointing me in the right direction.  The attached program is an update of yours.  I should have renamed it:-(  It just contains more print statements describing the various plots, along with further stuff on 'transform' - taken from Maple 7 Help, and then added more explanation for the benefit of newbies.  I found 'examples, transform' and 'plottools, transform' helpful.  The word 'transform' has many other uses in statistics and matrices, so the choice is more limited than initial expectations.  David


Thanks again for your input and ideas.  Sorry for the late reply but I went out yesterday for the whole day, came home and found where I'd gone wrong in my code.  To isolate the error I used your much earlier ideas of swapping things around - I altered the code to only plot two arms of the E, then later added all three and as you can see (hopefully, as it's an mws file) the E moves in a diagonal line.  (Anyone reading this interested enough can ask me to post an rtf document of the code, in case you can't read .mws files.)

    I realised I could use the rectangle command instead of polygon, and rectagle is presumably faster.  However, I chose to use polygon as it is more flexible.  It is easier to alter  the code to make later changes.  I'm still in the mindset of earlier Fortran days!::-( At present I'm working on the name 'EDITH', but down the track I'd like to have a go at the name 'KEITH'.  What I had in mind was, from the top of the I a 'ball' appears, bouncing gently towards the letter K, where it is kicked above and through the cross bar of the letter H - the traditional shape of goal posts in rugby. I see however, that in American football, the 'post' is like a giant tuning fork!  There may be OSH rules for this.  With only one uptight post you halve the number of collisions.  With the weight of the wearable safety gear: helmet, padding etc it's a wonder they are able to move so fast - but it's all in the name of safety!   ...and yet people are still allowed to go into schools with lethal weapons  - on the basis of constitutional rights, dating back to the time of the flintlock rifle!   Crazy rules!!:-)

Thanks again.    

@Kitonum  Thanks for answering that, but I wondered why the change to just .mw extension?  Do later versions have an option of saving in either .mw or .mws form?  My immediate thought was that it saves typing or storage of an extra letter - but the computer does that.  There is probably a more technical reason.

@acer Thanks for that, and I'll look forward to your next missive. No rush. David

Lett_B_anim_pink.mws@acer Attached is a program of the risque animation of the letter B.  Apologies for it being such a long program: the first half is just commented  previous work.  Running the program you will see a stationary letter B.  It looks different because the equations are slightly different.  I wanted the height to be exactly 12 - which was messy and time consuming playing around with different curves. I managed this, but the resulting letter is not quite the same. Kitonum sent me a program which involved op([1,1], plt)   but I don't think Maple 7 likes the use of a double subscript in the op command. I don't recommend changing the number of frames variable, nframes from 4.  The resulting curves look ugly and don't match up with the straight lines of the B.  I was going to color in the 'upper-D' of the B, but am leaving it until I hear comments from you regards this.

   I do have another question: In my previous reply I posted to two people in the same reply - you and tomleslie.  Would he have received that?  Or, to pose the question differently:  is what I see on my screen public - ie it is seen byy all Maple users?    ...or are all replies private to the receiver?

  Thanksagain.  David 



Thanks for your comments.  My using Maple 7 is like driving a Model T when everyone else is driving Ferrari!   I'm going out now but can you read the comments I sent to acer ( and yourself)?  Will be back later to look at your code.  Thanks for your input - much appreciated.


@acer @tomleslie

Thanks acer & tomeslie for your input.  Since that post I have managed to successfully write a Maple 7 program to make an animated letter B.  The upright I of the B remains stationary, while the curves move to the right and back again.  I was wanting to color the two D parts of B, and I have managed to do this.  Acers comments are correct.  I obtained the cords of the polygon by copying and pasting them into a list, L.  As you say, this was a list of lists, so I removed all unnecessary [[ and ]] to construct the polygon. The resulting plot was of many diagonal lines, but these were easily hidden with the patchnogrid option. It is still a work in progress, as I've only managed to color fill one of the Ds of the B.   The downside is that the process makes the programs LONG - and I dont think the kernel likes it!   Hope you can both read this.  Going for a breath of fresh air now.  Thanks again.    


Thanks for your reply.   As you can see from the revised program, I have managed to get it to work - but at a cost:-)

Either it's my lack of knowledge of Maple,  or Maple 7 doesn't like the op([1,1],plt)  command.  It didn't come up with a syntax error so it's likely me.   In the Maple 7 documentation, it doesn't seem to mention double subscripts for op.  In the output it came up with CURVES([1.5,,.],[..   I just copied and pasted it into the program.  It is still messy - I got rid of the lines (llater) by adding patchnogrid, and it works fine. 

  thickness=4 is a later addition.  Maple doesn't give a syntax error.  In the documentation values for thickness go from 0 to 3.

It would be good if you would give an alternative, quicker version - but this works fine for now.  Thanks again..


  I was intrigued with the letter H you had drawn.  I initially thought you had a coordinate wrong, but no.  Somehow it colors the polygon, not as the letter H, but slightly different. In the attached program there are drawings of the letter H, and A.

   Rather than think of your H as a glitch, it fascinates me how it came about.  Do you know?  It could be useful in some applications eg it has the effect of a shadow in the top half of the H.  Is it possible to replicate a similar effect in the bottom half?  To get any response to that question would I get better response from a new post?  I'm guessing most people won't be interested owing to later versions of Maple being far more versatile.  Looking forward to your comments.


   Thanks for your ideas.  Unfortunately the polygon is not easily colored, unless you want white!  Also there is a line showing.  I have taken that "out" by drawing a white line.

Cheers, David

@tomleslie   Thanks again for your invaluable help.  I've attached the file Lett_L_rot_ALF.mws

It is still very much a work in progress.  The letters A and L are animated together, but the L needs to be tramsformed a distance 'b' to the right.  There are some problems with the index i for the L animation:  values at the start and end - 0 and (c1-1) - are causing problems.  When those are sorted, I want to put the letters ALF together, all the letters having different animations.  I thought the letter F - some code for that at the end - could 'rock' slightly from side to side.  Haven't thought about how I'm going to do that yet.  Am gooing out for some fresh air and clear my thoughts.  Thanks again.  Bye for now.


@vv   Very impressive.  Thanks for the info.


   Great stuff and many thanks.  The programs works well in Maple 7.  However, for the letter H, there appears to be some extra shading.  I am not sure if this is Maple 7, or because it draws the 'convex hull' of the letter - or some other reason.  I notice you have used 12 coords for the letter H - as I would have done.- but I was recently advised on the forum to build the letter up in polygons, and use style=patchesnogrid to hide the overlap lines.  So, for the letter H, three rectangles would suffice.

    My apologies on a previous post of mine: it seemed to have upset you.  I'll try and get back to you with more details after I've had another look at the program.  Again many thanks for your help and time.  David 

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