
1212 Reputation

8 Badges

19 years, 148 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by dcasimir

Maple seems like a better and / or easier choice to use for producing finished work. i.e. "Fancy" looking papers.
Maple seems like a better and / or easier choice to use for producing finished work. i.e. "Fancy" looking papers.
Andrew Wiles maybe ?
Andrew Wiles maybe ?
Was Erdos involved in this poll ?
Was Erdos involved in this poll ?
That's okay Glad I was able to provide a challenge :)
Guess I assumed there was an "assigned" group of MapleSoft employees available to answer questions. The reason for this assumption was the MapleSoft affiliation of industry section of the responders' personal account information. Thanks for the tips.
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