
390 Reputation

8 Badges

12 years, 20 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by digerdiga

Sorry if this is already known, but I haven't found the proper function call.

I just want to "print" this expression without evaluating the boolean calls

P(X <= 5) = P(-5 <= -X) = P(E(X) - 5 <= E(X) - X);

As it stands, this will evaluate to "false" which I obviously don't want.

I just want to use it as a displayer.

Just wanted to ask, what the issue here is:

Int(1/(1 - x*ln(x)), x);

doesn't give the proper transformation. It gives


Solving for x and writing the transformation in terms of LambertW gives something else, if I'm not mistaken.


I have this simple problem which doesn't want to work.

d := g -> (D@@2)(g) - x^2*g;
((d@@2)(g) assuming x::constant);


The result of the last line is:

(D@@4)(g) - 2*(D@@2)(x)*x*g - 2*D(x)^2*g - 4*D(x)*x*D(g) - x^2*(D@@2)(g) - x^2*((D@@2)(g) - x^2*g)

so Maple doesn't set D(x) to 0. On the other hand if I just write

D(x) assuming x::constant

then Mapel returns 0.


D(f^k) assuming k::constant

just returns D(f^k) and not k*D(f)*f^(k-1) as the example in HELP suggests.

Hello, There seems to be a bug in the int() routine when CPV is being used i.e.

f1 := (int(t^(2*a - 1)/(-t^2 + 1), t = 0 .. infinity, CPV = true) assuming (0 < a, a < 1));

the result given is

f1 := Pi/(2*sin(Pi*a)*(-1)^(1 - a))

but the correct result is

f1 := Pi/2*cot(Pi*a).


Hello, I was wondering about the following.

cos(Pi/2^n) can be converted to a radical for each integer n, because cos(Pi/2)=0 is known and successively

cos(x)=sqrt( (1+cos(2x))/2 )

so in principle radical expressions should exist for all integers n. But maple only converts cos(Pi/8) to a radical, but not cos(Pi/16) and higher powers. Is there a simple way without writing an own program to obtain these radical expressions using convert(*,radical)?

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