
390 Reputation

8 Badges

12 years, 11 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by digerdiga


1 .

If A and B are non-commuting operators and I want to calculate

(A+B)^n for some integer n, how can I tell maple to not commute them?



And if I have this operator construct A^3. How can I replace it with some defined function f, so A^3 becomes (f@@3)(...)

I have this expression which I want to integrate numerically, but it is exponentially slow. I tried methods like _d01ajc but it does not help.



f2 := proc (m) options operator, arrow;

evalf(Int(exp(-(2*m-4)*exp(t)+t*(m+1))*(t-2*exp(t)), t = 0 .. infinity))

end proc;


plot([f2], 3 .. 10)

How come there is an imaginary value in the result?


int(exp(-t)/(1-t), t = 0 .. infinity, CauchyPrincipalValue = true)

I have this sum which should be equal to argument(GAMMA(I*x)) with x>0.


`assuming`([x*ln(n)-(1/2)*Pi-(sum(arctan(x/k), k = 1 .. n))], [x > 1]);

aG := `assuming`([limit(%, n = infinity)], [x > 1]);

`~`[evalf](eval([aG, argument(GAMMA(I*x))], x = 1))


However this limit evaluation is somehow broken in as it always gives some order symbol O(1) etc..

What is happening here?


When 3d-Plotting a function say f(z)=sqrt(z)=sqrt(x+I*y) then Maple automatically only plots the principal branch.

In the example above is it possible to plot the second surface too?

Is it also possible to plot the full continuous Riemann surface as in






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