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11 years, 227 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by digerdiga

The following product gives 0


product(1-1/k, k = 2 .. infinity);


However when I expand the product

1 - 1/2 - 1/3 - 1/4 - ... + 1/2*1/3 + 1/2*1/4 + ... + 1/3*1/4 + ... + triple products + quadruple products + and so forth...

Now the double, triple, quadruple, and so forth sums of products converge.

The 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + ... nevertheless diverges, so why does maple give me 0?

Suppose I have a subset of R^2, say (x,y) € [0,1] x [0,1]

Now I map



Is it possible to do a 2d contourplot to just see where [0,1]x[0,1] is mapped onto ?

I tried to integrate

int((1-x^floor(u))/((1-x)*u^2), u = 1 .. infinity, numeric)

where x=-1. The result should be log 2 = 0.6931471806. However it gives me 0.6687714032.

When using a numeric cut off, the result improves, so what is the issue here?


In Physics package there is this compact notation X=(t,x,y,z)

Is there something similar in the VectorCalculus packge?

For example



SetCoordinates(cartesian[x, y, z]);

v := VectorField([vx, vy, vz]);



I don't explicitly want to write the arguments (x,y,z) of the functions vx,vy,vz everytime.

So I have this system of equations with which I am not sure if the result is the same or not using "series" and "limit" or what is going on here.

I hope it is clear what I mean.


restart; with(MathematicalFunctions); Assume(k__2H2O > 0, `k__HA+OH` > 0, `k__A+H2O` > 0, `k__H3O+OH` > 0, `k__HA+H2O` > 0, `k__H3O+A` > 0, HA__0 > 0, H2O > 0); sys := k__2H2O*H2O^2+`k__A+H2O`*H2O*(HA__0-HA)-(H3O*`k__H3O+OH`+HA*`k__HA+OH`)*OH = 0, k__2H2O*H2O^2+`k__HA+H2O`*H2O*HA-(`k__H3O+A`*(HA__0-HA)+`k__H3O+OH`*OH)*H3O = 0, (H2O*`k__HA+H2O`+OH*`k__HA+OH`)*HA-(H2O*`k__A+H2O`+H3O*`k__H3O+A`)*(HA__0-HA) = 0; sys := `~`[simplify]([eval(eval(sys, HA = HA__0+OH-H3O), HA__0 = x__HA0*H2O)]); sol := solve(sys, [OH, H3O]); sol := sol[1]; OH__sol := simplify(rhs(sol[1])); H3O__sol := simplify(rhs(sol[2])); simplify(OH__sol*H3O__sol); OHH3O := simplify(limit(%, `k__HA+OH` = 0)); series(OHH3O, x__HA0 = 0, 2); collect(convert(%, polynom), x__HA0, simplify, factor); r1 := limit(%, x__HA0 = 0); r2 := radnormal(limit(OHH3O, x__HA0 = 0)); simplify(r1-r2)

[`&Intersect`, `&Minus`, `&Union`, Assume, Coulditbe, Evalf, Get, Is, SearchFunction, Sequences, Series]


{H2O::(RealRange(Open(0), infinity))}, {HA__0::(RealRange(Open(0), infinity))}, {k__2H2O::(RealRange(Open(0), infinity))}, {`k__A+H2O`::(RealRange(Open(0), infinity))}, {`k__H3O+A`::(RealRange(Open(0), infinity))}, {`k__H3O+OH`::(RealRange(Open(0), infinity))}, {`k__HA+H2O`::(RealRange(Open(0), infinity))}, {`k__HA+OH`::(RealRange(Open(0), infinity))}


k__2H2O*H2O^2+`k__A+H2O`*H2O*(HA__0-HA)-(H3O*`k__H3O+OH`+HA*`k__HA+OH`)*OH = 0, k__2H2O*H2O^2+`k__HA+H2O`*H2O*HA-(`k__H3O+A`*(HA__0-HA)+`k__H3O+OH`*OH)*H3O = 0, (H2O*`k__HA+H2O`+OH*`k__HA+OH`)*HA-(H2O*`k__A+H2O`+H3O*`k__H3O+A`)*(HA__0-HA) = 0


[-OH^2*`k__HA+OH`+((-x__HA0*`k__HA+OH`-`k__A+H2O`)*H2O+H3O*(`k__HA+OH`-`k__H3O+OH`))*OH+k__2H2O*H2O^2+`k__A+H2O`*H2O*H3O = 0, (x__HA0*`k__HA+H2O`+k__2H2O)*H2O^2+`k__HA+H2O`*(OH-H3O)*H2O+(-`k__H3O+A`*H3O+OH*(`k__H3O+A`-`k__H3O+OH`))*H3O = 0, H2O^2*x__HA0*`k__HA+H2O`+((x__HA0*`k__HA+OH`+`k__A+H2O`+`k__HA+H2O`)*OH-H3O*(`k__A+H2O`+`k__HA+H2O`))*H2O+(OH-H3O)*(H3O*`k__H3O+A`+OH*`k__HA+OH`) = 0]














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