
Mr. León-Goebel Goebel

65 Reputation

One Badge

0 years, 290 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by goebeld

@acer Thanks for help

@nm Thanks for your reply.

But procedure "getOccurs" exists and I expected that the export of the main procedure "calcGcd" as mla file also includes all subprocedures. Otherwise the program started from the mla file would have stopped at the first subroutine.

@Carl Love 

it'better than Has if the variables are indexed; in this case I have to search a string

@nm Thanks for help


Thanks for your help, it works fine.

But how can I get the values of sol[2] because sol[2,1] returns x=3 and not 3.

@Rouben Rostamian  

Dear Rouben thanks for reply.

Until now I preferred e.g.


T_len := sqrt(simplify(DotProduct(T, T)))

@Rouben Rostamian  

Dear Rouben, thanks for your extensiv help.

What's the meaning of "T^+" in T__len := sqrt(simplify(T^+ . T));

For me, it's new.


Thanks for reply. Yes, the shortest path connecting any two surface points.

@Scot Gould 

Dear Scot, thanks for your help. Now it works. I didn´t know that I can address by using arrowList[1, 1][1];
arrowList[1, 2][1];


@Thomas Richard 

Dear Thomas, thanks for your response.

To be honest I don't understand the concept of Maple API Integration. I developed several Java plugins in Eclipse to integrate Visual Paragdigm by using it's API library.

I'm using a MacBook Pro and I have no idea how to call the Maple APIs using Eclipse.

Best regards, Dieter

@Thomas Richard 

Dear Thomas,

thanks for your help.

My IDE is Eclipse and there I have to add referenced jar files. That's why I was looking for Maple jar files.

So how do I have to configure my Eclipse? Is there a guide or example?


@Carl Love Also thanks for help

@acer Thanks for help, it works fine

@Rouben Rostamian  

Tahnks a lot - that's what I'm looking for.

@Rouben Rostamian  

Dear Rouben, thanks for reply. I simply like to plot the vector coordinates of a point.

points := pointplot3d([P, Q, R, M], color = [green, blue, red, black], title = "P", symbol = cross, size = [1, 1], labelfont = [Courier, bold, 40])

And additionally I would like to plot the coordibates of the points.

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