

76 Reputation

6 Badges

20 years, 75 days
Retired Senior Expert
Yvonand, Vaud, Switzerland

Social Networks and Content at Maplesoft.com

Now retired, since 2019, but still "consultant", my last post was "Senior Expert" at CSEM SA in Switzerland. With 30+ years of experience in mechatronics developments in the frame of complex, multidisciplinary, high tech "systems engineering" activities. Previous posts were "Senior Project Manager, Section Head, Project Manager, Quality Engineer, R&D Engineer. CSEM is a retained profit company, a "High Tech", R&D Institution, closely linked to the EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne), we are located in Neuchatel Switzerland. We use advanced tools such as Maple(r), MapleSim(r) and COMSOL Multiphyiscs(r) for our developments and for our Ph.D. training activities.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by ivar_kjelberg


When I export my MapleSim 5 results to a CSV file, I get only 6 digits, I'm looking for effects in the 1/1000 ppm or ppb region, I'm lost here

The global Settings window allows me to adapt epsilon abs and rel, thats nice, but nothing on the data export side.

I find it logical and usefull to have a settings on the export tab to decide on precision, and or selection of time series (usefull if one does not want all data, but just the last 100 values of a loooong run ;)

Dear MapleSim users

How can I get a display block / digital meter ? I want to display the last (or at a triggered time) the numerical value of a point/connection of a system.

I do not need the full graph of the "probe just the one value. It's mainly for debugging purpouse, to have a few check points once run.

The probes are nice but sometimes you want just a number not the full graph ;)

Does anybody have a trick ? Or could the probe plot item...

Hi simulators

Is there an easy way to give a global time frame/limits for all plots: typically I need to simulate a few seconds to get rid of all my transients, and then I would like to zoom in on the effect of interest. Now I have only found out how to reset one by one each graph via the axis properties, I have a dozen graphs per simulation 4 variables to scan over ten points each, that makes a damn lot of graphs properties click to reset, results: I need 60 sec to...


I wanted to vary my mass item in MapleSim5, to have it appear and dissapear. I noted I could us the variable "1*t" [kg] in a rigid body mass item, that worked out fine

Then I wanted to have a force variable depending on the time, but now I get a message Main.t is not defined in Main

So finally how to refer correctly to the "time" ?


Subdiary question: how to use signal blocks to generate a named variable that I use elswhere in my model for a Parameter input

Dear all,

I'm stuck here with a parameter passing issue, I understand that the parameters I define are global to all items "below", incuding nested subsystems, this seems logical and works nicely in MapleSim.

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