
70 Reputation

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13 years, 93 days

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Math teacher, Denmark, Publich School in Holbaek.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by jestrup

In the Grading Quiz, it is possible for students to indicate whether the answer is correct or incorrect. In the context menu, it is also possible to add an icon instead of the text.

For some reason, I can't get this to work! If I assign an icon to the correct answer, the same icon is transferred to the incorrect answer.

Is there a way that I'm missing that can show two different icons rather than the same one?


Is it possible to create a shaded area between a set of three LineChats in Maple?


If I have a list of numbers e.g, data:=[0,12,0,7,5,3,7,10,0,0,9,3,2,5,0,6]

How do I get Maple to count the values bigger or equal to seven? [ans=5]



I try to figure out how to add »kr« as a currency symbol, and as currency in the Numeric Formatting list.

Can it be done?

Kind regards

... is finance.dll missing in Maple16 (64 bit), as it was in Maple15 (64 bit), so you have to install the 32 bit version instead?

Is it possible to move the finance.dll-file from Maple16(32-bit) to Maple16(64-bit)?


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