
60 Reputation

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11 years, 72 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by john125

Could someone show me how to solve the following equations for real x, y and z.


x^2 + 2yz^2 = 0,

y^2  - 3xz = 0, 

1/3*x*y^2 + 2*y*z^3 = 0,

-1/3*y^4 - 6yz^4 = 0.


Hi, there i want to basically plot the graph attached. It is basically the graph y= 2x^2 transformed to y = x^2. I can plot them, but how do they get the arrows showing the transformation and the arrows on the axis. Any help would be appreciated.


Hi, how would you add arrowheads to the x and y-axis to show that they continue.


Hi, i am trying to export the following bifurcation diagram into a pdf.


Digits:=20: N:=10000: M:=100: x_max:=1: r_min:=0:
r_max:=4: for n from 0 to N do r:=r_min+n/N*(r_max-r_min):
x:=evalf(x_max*rand()/10^12):for m from 0 to M do x:=x*exp(r*(1 - x)): od:
X[n]:=x: od:


For some reason the graph is just blank, with just the axis when i export to pdf.

How would i label the axis and change its font and size.

Also, how would i move the horizontal axis down, so that the whole diagram can be seen. (Hope that makes sence)

Finally, there are some odd points between 0 and 1 on the vertical axis, how do you get rid of these...

Digits:=20: N:=10000: M:=100: x_max:=1: r_min:=0:
r_max:=4: for n from 0 to N do r:=r_min+n/N*(r_max-r_min):
x:=evalf(x_max*rand()/10^12):for m from 0 to M do x:=x*exp(r*(1 - x)): od:
X[n]:=x: od:



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