
60 Reputation

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11 years, 46 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by john125

The graph is attached here.


The graph that i have attached.

I have attached the graph.

@Carl Love The equations i'm now dealing are much higher in order and so maple stuggles, to give any solutions. Is there any way i can extract just the positive solutions.

@Carl Love The second command select(y-> is(y>0), Sols); does not seem to produce anything?

@Carl Love Thanks for your help!

I just have one other question you see when using eval(x, fsolve({a,b}, {x,y}));

how do you ensure that you get all the positive solutions for x, excluding negative and zero solutions?

For instance, depending on maple, it gives a negative value for x when it also has a positive solutiont too.


a:=x^2 + 2*y - 4;
x + 2 y - 4
b:=x*y + 3*x^2;
x y + 3 x
{x = 0., y = 2.}


How do you just get maple to solve for say x or y on it's own, ie not solve for both.


fsolve(x^6 - 30*x^5 + 320*x^4 - 1338*x^3 + 891*x^2 + 5832*x - 8748,x);
-2., 2., 3., 9., 9., 9.


f:=r*(8 - 2*x^2);
eq1:= h-x:
eq2:= diff(h,x) + 1:

So i mean the eq1 and eq2 here.


I'm still a bit confused to how you determine these for any function.

I'm now trying to plot a bifurcation diagram for x*exp(r*(1-x)).

I can plot this but just changing the function in the code given in the logistic map, without chaning the r-min, r-max and x-max values. How come? I just don't know how to work it out myself though.


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