
155 Reputation

5 Badges

3 years, 13 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by jud

When The subgraph is too many, the label will hide automatically. Such as:

DrawSubgroupLattice(SmallGroup(200, 31), labels = ids)

But the labels is important to me. I can accept a more larger graph and more smaller text in labels. Is it possible?

Generators(SmallGroup(60, 10))

Wii get this result:

But I hope to copy this junk information into my clipboard.

But my clipboard just get such information:

[module() ... end module,module() ... end module,module() ... end module,module() ... end module]

Or I copy it as Latex format, I will get those extra \left\right:


But I just want to copy the output what I have seen

When I run this code, I will get a error information:

CompositionSeries(SmallGroup(336, 209))

It's mean this function just work in transitive group? But IsTransitive(SmallGroup(336, 209)) will get true. Is it a bug of maple? Or do I have any misunderstandings?

This is the default style about the group of DrawSubgroupLattice:


But I hope to label the DrawSubgroupLattice with the order of the subgroup but not the default index, is it possible? I can get the order with this code:

GroupOrder~(SubgroupLattice(SymmetricGroup(4), output = list))

But I don't know how to label it into the node...

I don't know how to use the group produced with DirectProduct. such as

G := DirectProduct(QuaternionGroup(), CyclicGroup(3)):


IsNormal(CyclicGroup(2), DirectProduct(CyclicGroup(2), CyclicGroup(2)))

They all will get error information. It looks like the format is different, do I need to convert it somehow? Or is this a bug in maple?

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