
104 Reputation

6 Badges

16 years, 118 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by k4walker

That was a very complete reply, pagan, thank you.  It's good to know I'm not going crazy.

Thanks again,


That was a very complete reply, pagan, thank you.  It's good to know I'm not going crazy.

Thanks again,


I just tried your latest code snippet, and it still gives me a "solution" that doesn't satisfy the original equation.  What version of Maple are you using?  I'm on Maple 13.  Could be there's a bug that's been fixed.

Thanks for your help,


I just tried your latest code snippet, and it still gives me a "solution" that doesn't satisfy the original equation.  What version of Maple are you using?  I'm on Maple 13.  Could be there's a bug that's been fixed.

Thanks for your help,


Thanks for the expand/simplify trick, it does help get a cleaner expression.

It still doesn't make that solution from solve work in the original equation.  The original solution was:

{l[1] = l[1], l[4] = l[4], x[2] = x[2], x[3] = arctan(cos(x[2]), sin(x[2]))}

After substitution back into the original equation and doing the simplification you provided, it gives


for the determinant, which is obviously not zero except for special values of x2, l1 and/or l4 not provided in the solution from solve.

Thanks for the expand/simplify trick, it does help get a cleaner expression.

It still doesn't make that solution from solve work in the original equation.  The original solution was:

{l[1] = l[1], l[4] = l[4], x[2] = x[2], x[3] = arctan(cos(x[2]), sin(x[2]))}

After substitution back into the original equation and doing the simplification you provided, it gives


for the determinant, which is obviously not zero except for special values of x2, l1 and/or l4 not provided in the solution from solve.

I do have a chunk of processing that goes into forming the model, so I went the savelib/libname route.  This really helps streamline my work for me.

Thanks for all the help!  I really appreciate getting so many responses so quickly.


Thanks for the help!
Thanks for the help!
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